Chapter 7

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Tzuyu's POV

Phew, we got into our classroom just on time...

"Phew, that was a close one!" Eagle said in relief and she leaned her back on the chair, her face looking at the ceiling of our classroom.

"Yeah, thanks to my fast driving speed." I said.

"Yeah, yeah." Chae said with no interest.

"But sad though. We can't spend our whole afternoon with them." Dahyun said which made me and the cub looked at the eagle, who is sitting in between us.

"Why do you say so? Our last lesson ends at 1pm today so we can spend time with them." I said with confusion while the cub nodded her head in agreement.

"Remember we have archery practice today?" Dahyun said which made the both of us remembered and became sad.

"Oh! Wait! You 2 won't have any practice today!" I said with happiness in my voice while the 2 of them looked at me with a puzzled face.

"Huh? Why?" Both of them asked in unison with furrowed brows.

"Because the president says so!" I said confidently and both of them groaned, not liking what i said probably.

"Then you? How about you?" Dahyun asked with a disapproval tone hinted in her voice.

"I have to go. I'm the president and i have duties to do. I can't just skip my duties no matter what the reason is." I said, hoping that they will be convinced.

"Yeah, sure. Then you sure you don't mind when your 2 best friends are having fun with your favorite member?" Chae asked, probably still not convinced to let me go to the practice alone.

"Yeah, i don't mind since she's just my bias, nothing more, nothing less." I said with a smile to show them that i meant my words. Though i do mind them having fun with MY Minari...but i can't just abandon my duties as the president of the archery club.

"Okay, then we will go ahead of you after school." Dahyun said, still not liking the idea of leaving me alone in the practice.


The archery practice is finally over and our coach told us that we have an upcoming tournament. Our school will be participating, as always. The team is made of 3 and the coach announced that the team will be the same as usual, meaning it's me and my 2 other best friends since the 3 of us are the aces of the whole club.

The rest will be cheering for us at the venue on the day itself. Once we are dismissed, i'm the only one left since i continued to practice just for a little longer. The coach gave me a key to the equipment room, where we put all the sports' equipment in, and told me to make sure to lock it once i'm done then he went off.

"Guess who?" Someone suddenly covered my eyes from behind. Seems like this person changed her voice in order to deceive me but me being smart, knows who is it if i used my brain.

"Isn't it Mina?" I said with confidence and a big smile. The girl uncovered my eyes then jumped in front of me with a happy smile.

"Correct!" Minari said with a gummy smile that i would love to see every single day.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked as i turned around to see the other 3 are here too while Minari stood beside me. I'm still holding the bow and arrow.

"Well, the both of them want to see how you look like when holding the bow with an arrow." Eagle said with her shoulder shrug.

"How about you 2? What club are you in?" Momo asked the 2 with curiosity.

"Same as our cool Yoda here. She's the president but she lets the both of us spend time with you 2." Chae explained a summary and Minari turned her head to look up at me.

"Why?" Minari asked with pouting lips.

"I don't want the both of you to be so bored in our house so i let the both of them go first." I said with a smile towards her, revealing my dimples a little. Though i also want to have fun but couldn't.

"Then since the both of you are in the same club, let us see how you look like! I wanna see!" Momo said in excitement.

"No choice, huh." Chae said with a sigh and went to the equipment room with the eagle to get the bows and arrows since everyone went to keep it before leaving.

"Where are they going?" Momo asked as she stares at the 2 animals walking away.

"They are going to get the bows and arrows." I said with no interest and went back to practicing.

"The coach briefed us just now." I said as we 3 stood in line to practice shooting. I'm in the middle of the 2 animals.

"About?" Dahyun asked with the curiosity tone while her eyes are on the target.

"There's a tournament coming up soon and the 3 of us will be participating. The usual, you know." I said as i aimed at the 10 points then shot it. The arrow ended up landing at the spot where i wanted in a perfect direction.

"Eh~ I didn't know you 3 are in the archery tournament." Momo spoke up from behind us. 

"Yeah, now you know." Dahyun said and chuckled.

"Well, yeah, duh, we are. We are the perfect 3 aces of the club, after all!" Chae said with confidence.

"Wow! I didn't expect that! Well, i kind of expect Tzuyu to be the ace but not the both of you!" Momo said and laughed, making the cub and eagle feel somewhat offended.

"Momo-unnie, you can't say those things to my friends. They don't like it when people say it to them so they probably doesn't like it the most when it comes from you, who is Dahyun's bias and is a member of our favorite group." I said in a cold tone and turned my head to the side to glance at Momo, who is standing behind in between me and the eagle.

"Well, i'm sorry. I didn't know that. Sorry, really." Momo said with guilt and sincerity while her head hung low.

"Don't need to worry. It's okay. You already apologized and now you know that we don't like to hear that." Dahyun said coldly without glancing at Momo.

"Well then, shall we go? I need to drive these 2 beauty back to their dorm." I said and turned around with the bow in my hand and the arrows in the other.

"Okay! Let's go!" Chae said happily as she made her way to the equipment room.

We all followed behind her.

"Come on, cheer up baby! Cheer up baby!" I sang softly while walking beside the pale-skinned eagle and we are walking behind the 2 idols. I don't wanna embarrass myself so i sang the song softly.

Dahyun burst out laughing, making Momo and Minari looked behind us then back at each other to continue whatever they are talking about.

"Thanks but don't ever sing so soft! It gives me chills! I prefer you sing it aloud!" Dahyun said loud enough for me to hear. Luckily, it's not that loud enough for the 2 idols to hear since the gap between us is a bit huge.


I drove the 2 idols back to their dorm and they kept teasing me and Minari to kiss goodbye. I'm too shy so i decided to just gave a wave at her while Minari did the same since i'm sure she also felt the same. My 2 best friends were clearly disappointed since they badly want to see the both of us kiss goodbyes. What a weird duo.

I then drove us back home after waving goodbyes at the 2 Japanese girls, who were waving at us from their dorm door.


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