Epilogue - Heaven

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     2 years later

     I passed by a bunch of nurses and stopped in front of Erica. She was the only one of them who was actually good at doing her job.

     "What do we have today?" I asked and she smiled.

     "Room 404, Mrs Kate Carter." I took the patient's file from Erica and checked it out. Oh... Show time...

     "I might need you in the O.R. later, so make sure you're available." Erica grinned and nodded frantically.

     "Yes, Dr Banks, of course. Let me know if you need anything by then." I absently nodded my head and turned to leave. After all, my patient was Kate Carter. The Kate Carter that the papers used to write about -until, all of a sudden, they stopped. I couldn't have kept her waiting.

     Opening the door, I was shocked to see my patient pacing restlessly around the room. She was supposed to be in pain... I cleared my throat and she turned her attention to me.

     "Dr Banks!" She said, panting and sat on the edge of the bed. "I think I'm having a baby..." I sarchastically raised my eyebrows. Mrs Carter shook her head and blushed. "I mean, of course I'm having a baby, but I think I'm having it now."

     "When did the contractions start?"

     "Two hours ago and they got worse." She flushed and took a hand to her stomach. "Umph..." Kate Carter let out two heavy breaths. "Ok... Can you give me something for the pain?" I couldn't help but smile. She had at least 12 more hours to go and she already wanted pain killers.

    "Not yet, Mrs Carter, but we'll get there." Her smile faded and I knew how she felt. Giving birth to my son 15 years ago, wasn't piece of cake either. "How close are the contractions?" She seemed to count something and then looked at me.

    "Um... I'm not sure, but after my water broke, I think they started coming every twenty minutes or so..." I nodded my head and put on a pair of gloves.

     "Why don't you sit down and let me have a look?" She complied and I started the examination. Oh, dear... The poor girl was not even a centimeter dilated, so if I had to guess, I'd say her labor had just started. "Ok, Mrs Carter... The bad news is that unfortunatelly, you're marely a centimeter dilated, so the fun part isn't going to start soon. The good news is, you seem to dilate quite fast, so in 10 hours tops, you'll be holding your baby." Yep... Calming the patient down -even though I had to exagerate the good news and dim the bad ones- was part of my job.

     "Ok, thank you!" Mrs Carter smiled, seeming truly relieved. I was just about to present Mrs Carter with her options for the pain killers, when I heard noise coming from the hallway.

     Sir, you can't go in there!

    The hell, I can't! My wife's in there!

   The door bursted open and both Erica and Mr Carter -of course I knew who he was. Everybody did.- stepped into the room.

   "I'm sorry, Dr Banks! I've tried to stop him!" Lucas Carter gave Erica a killer look and her eyes widened. "Dr Banks?" She glanced at me, waiting for some directions, and I nodded my head at her.

   "It's ok, Erica! I've got this." She only looked back once, before getting out of the room.

   "I'm sorry! I got here as soon as I could." Mr Carter said, heading to the bed his wife was seated on.

   "Why are you here at all? Weren't you supposed to be on a plane to Italy?" He smirked at his wife.

   "I was only supposed to be here."

   "How did you find out?"

   "Well, first of all, you were supposed to be in a board meeting and you weren't. Second of all, Molly called me." He scowled at her. "You do know that it should've been you who called me, not your assistant, right?"

   "No! You were supposed to meet signor Rossi and it's not my first time doing this."

   "Maybe, but it's my first time. Plus, Rowland can handle Rossi." Mrs Carter's eyes widened.

   "What?! You sent Nick to Rome? Rossi's not gonna like that..." Mr Carter shrugged.

   "I don't really care about what Rossi thinks. All I care about right now, is you." I couldn't help smiling. Mrs Carter smiled too.

   "Fine, but you're going to regret this when Rossi calls." Another shrug from Mr Carter.

   "So, how are you?"

   "I'm fine for now. Dr Banks says that the fun part won't start too soon." Mr Carter looked at me.

   "What does that mean?"

   "That means that your wife is only in her early labor." He frowned and looked back at his wife.

   "And what does that mean?" Mrs Carter left out a laugh.

  "That means that Heaven doesn't want to come out yet." Hm... Heaven... What an odd name for a baby girl. I thought, but then I remembered that their son's name was Luck, so...

   "Well, it doesn't matter how long it takes. I'm gonna be right here." Mr Carter bent and kissed his wife. "I love you!"

   "I love you too!" She said and reached up to hug him. Moments later, her mood changed. "God damn it, Lucas! I can't breathe! Why the fuck are you holding me so tight?" Mr Carter stepped back immediatelly.

   "Sorry! I didn't mean to..." But Mrs Carter cut him off.

   "No! I'm sorry! I don't know what's gotten into me. It's just... My whole body hurts."

   "Can't you give her something for the pain?" He asked me. I shook my head at him.

   "Not yet, I'm sorry! We need to know when it gets worse and we won't be able to do that if she's out cold."

   "Oh..." Mrs Carter took her hand to her stomach again and left out a strangled breath. "Crap!"

   "Kate, baby?"

   "Don't you dare Kate-baby me! I'm here because of you..." Mrs Carter bursted out in tears and Lucas Carter gave me a confused look.

  "I have to go for now. I'll be back to check on you." I said, incapable of hiding my amusement. Opening the door, I stepped out and Lucas Carter followed me.

   "Dr Banks, what's going on? What's wrong with Kate? She's never like this..." A laugh escaped my lips before I could stop it.

   "Giving birth, Mr Carter, is a torture for the female body. Right now, while we talk, your wife's body suffers changes so that the little being inside of her can come out. Those changes are painful and truth to be told, no pain killer in the world can take the pain away. So, Mr Carter, your wife may not usually be like this, but for the next couple of hours, you'll see this part of her more and more, because it won't be her talking, but the pain. Ok?" He nooded, his eyes wide and cautious. "Now, the question is: Are you up to this or not? Because, your wife needs you to be there for her. Because if you love her, then you should be able to handle her mood swings, while her body breaks and heals." It was as if I was watching a soldier getting ready for battle. Lucas Carter was ready to be there for his wife, because he really did love her...

    Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to his wife's room again.

    "Lucas, I'm so sorry, my love! I didn't mean to say that!" Mrs Carter said, the moment her husband stepped into the room. Then the door closed and I couldn't hear anything anymore.

   Oh, the next 12 hours or so are going to be a blast... I had to laugh at the thought.

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