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It's been a few months, I believe, in space time and so far we made what I would consider progress in ending this 10,000 year old war. Pidge managed to upgrade her lion with a cloaking device, Hunk now has an individual cannon on Yellow, Keith is part galra, Shiro was lost for a bit, but we found him, and I, myself, a still the ladies' master. Sooner or later, I'll have my own omega space queen. Or king, I won't be biased. Anything can happen.

"Lance! Get the hell up! We have to do group training and I will not be late because of your ass." An annoying voice shouted as someone banged on my door.

"What do you want from me, Samurai? Can't you see that I'm busy?" I answer the door and look down at the slightly shorter male.

"I see that you're dressed. Now hurry your ass up, I'm done waiting for you. Your room smells." He waves a hand in front of his face as I place a hand on my chest offended.

"My room smells like me. It's called territorial scenting. I would have thought you knew about this since you are a beta, after all." I huffed as I followed along after him as he rolled his eyes before mumbling to himself. "What was that? Speak louder."

"What?" He raised an eyebrow before looking in the opposite direction, clearly done talking to me.

"Don't you what me? Say it to my face, I won't hesitate to fight a beta." I lean towards his face, lightly poking him in the cheek as he smacks my hand away; growling at me.

"Go fight Coran or Pidge then. Or even better, Shiro."He presses his hand against a panel, opening the training room to the team waiting disapprovingly.

"This is exactly why we need this exercise. To tighten the bonds of the team. We have a common threat and enemy: Zarkon's fleet of Galra. We can't afford to be biased nor can we afford pitiful arguments every hour of the day." Allura declares before turning to Keith and I. "I've noticed something about you, Keith. Something that the others should be aware of. I'm not well informed on your dynamics as humans, but our customs are similar. You and I specifically will share a night together."

"Princess, will all due respect: Spending the night with a male is a bit promiscuous, don't you think?" Pidge raises an eyebrow as Hunk and I agree. Shiro and Keith share a look before asking their questions.

"Why me specifically Princess? Wouldn't you and Pidge make more sense than you and I? Not that I would dare take advantage of you since I'm not in anyway attracted nor am biologically compatible for such actions." He questions as Allura smiles brightly.

"Pidge nor the rest of the paladins understand the points you and I are making. This will be a new experience for me and you are the right person to begin with. I would explain further, but I suspect you wouldn't wish for the rest to be informed as of yet." She takes a step foreword before placing a hand on his shoulder. "You are to report to my quarters in three vargas. I'll explain more later."

"Paladins! We have an incoming call!"



Rushing over to the holographic screen, we come in contact with someone unfamiliar while Allura sneered heavily with Coran giving doubtful eyes at the male.

"Princess Allura of Altea. What a pleasure of seeing your delightful face again after all these years. How long has it been? 10,000, I believe?" The male snickered as he ran a hand through his white hair. Three alien hybrids stood behind him as he clicked his fingers against what seemed to be the system they're using.

"Prince Lotor of Daibazal. Likewise. What do you want?" She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms; the rest of us stood behind her in silence, glaring at this unknown but now known man.

"Oh the disrespect. I just wish to make a few negotiations. After all, we share a common enemy. Zarkon." He smiles mischievously before scanning over us, pointing his naturally pointy finger. "Do you wish to let your paladins introduce themselves?"

"Shiro, Black Paladin. Beta."

"Lance, Blue Paladin. Alpha."

"Pidge, Green Paladin. Beta."

"Hunk, Yellow Paladin. Beta. Did you know Zarkon had a son?" He whispers the last part to Pidge who shrugs her shoulders with a look of confusion before everyone looks at me while I glare back at him.

"Keith, Red Paladin." I keep it short and simple as he lets out a chuckle.

"No second gender, hm? Well, my team is of betas. Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Narti. Kova is the cat. I am the alpha of my pack and there is no head omega as of yet. Have you formed a pack as of yet?"

"Shiro is temporary head alpha as Lance gave leadership over to him since he isn't of age. I am head omega as there are no other omegas present." Allura explains as he chuckles, his gaze looking right into my soul.

"May we board your ship? I would love to continue this conversation in person."


Update! Wrote this on a computer, didn't have the time to write an end note. But what's up y'all! Got my phone back, life is going slow so I may have slow updates going forward.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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