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"Keith, what a pleasure to properly meet you." A man reached out for my hand as I grabbed it firmly, giving it a shake. "You're a cute little thing as James described. Thank you for giving our son a chance. I wish we could have met without the pressures of courtship. This must have been hard for you."

"Not at all, Mr.Griffin. But he did complicate things for a while." I smile weakly as the man nods. "But he was a pleasure, I can assure you."

"Well, should we get this thing started? I'd rather you crush my son's heart now rather than later." He jokes as I chuckle weakly before clasping my hands to my chest. "No worries, we always knew. We just liked the idea that our son was trying to better himself."

"I respect him for trying even if this way wasn't the ideal way. It's just that.... James and I cut each other off for so long. The second I come back, he randomly asks me out. We haven't even gotten the chance to brush on that topic since we've been either interrupted or avoided it altogether. Don't get me wrong, Lance and I have had our own arguments and fights even. But we've bounced back stronger than ever. With James, there was never any romantic feelings that stirred. I still think of him as one of my closest friends, despite all that's happened." I explain as the man gave a nod before turning me by my shoulders to go talk to everyone else.

"Explain that to them. Those two boys love you. Whether platonically or romantically. We still want to get to know the feisty omega man our son grew up with." Mr.Griffin smiles before I gave him a small smile. "We understand."

Breathing slowly, I began to walk into the living room as both families quieted down. Lance and James both stood up in front of me with nervous looks on their faces as I rolled my eyes. "Can you two calm down?"

"How can we when you're literally going to reject one of us? I mean we can't read your mind right now." Lance chuckles as he turns to James with an extended hand. "For whoever wins, a promise to care and protect Keith. Treat him with the respect he deserves. He is older than us, now that I think about it."

"Heh, he is. It's a promise. And no hard feelings?" James throws out as Lance nods before they shake on it before turning back to me with a look of determination on their faces.

"Oh they grow up to fast." Pidge jokingly slaps Hunk's arm as he shakes his head.

"I know right! Just yesterday, Lance and Keith were fighting over being late to training and now they're picking mates! I still don't know how this works!" He shouts as Shiro shushes them before turning back to me.

Taking a deep breath, I reach for both of their hands; rubbing a thumb on the backs of their hands, looking at both of the alphas presented in front of me. "I'm so sorry. I... This is unsurprisingly not the hardest thing I've had to deal with. I've been abused, harassed and straight up assaulted by foster parents before Ms.Lynn, alphas and people I've considered family in general my entire life.  Now I want you both to understand that I have a place in my heart for both of you. You are both my family and I love you guys."

Looking at our intersected hands, I close my eyes before dropping James' hand slowly before tightening my grip on Lance's. "I'm sorry James, but I just don't feel that way."

"What about when we almost kissed? What about our childhood memories? I said I was sorry!" James begged as I shook my head, patting him on the head.

"That's how it should stay: memories. Listen, I love you like a brother. We grew up together and I cherish the memories of that. The almost kiss was because I was scared and I wasn't thinking straight at the time." I explain before looking at Lance. "I have my reasons for choosing Lance and it's not because I have a grudge on you or that I don't value you. But you're like a brother to me. We grew up together. Hell, you were the literal first person to witness my presentation. And thankfully it was you, I'm 90% sure Nick would have tried something with how many jokes he was throwing at me a week before."

"But why him? You said it yourself. 'I've been there for you when no one else was and I've been there for your darkest times.' So why him?" James whispers as I look at Lance who looks paler than normal before I make sure to collect my words, rubbing his hand gently.

"He knows me. It's not something I can explain really, but he understands me. I told him my second gender and that was all it took for walls to break down. It had nothing to do with second gender or anything. I mean, being marked may have been a rash decision on my part. But I knew I could trust him to be there for me during this war. Especially with how escalated everything was moving." I explained as best as I could. "I've thought about this, but I ultimately knew my heart belonged to Lance."

"I.... I understand. Plus I kinda was at fault for your problems, all because I was blinded by second nature and seeming cool that I forgot about my best friend." He shakes his head before smiling with arms open as I move to give him a hug. He places a kiss on my forehead before looking at Lance. "And Lance?"

"Yeah?" Lance crosses his arms, annoyed that I'm hugging the boy I just rejected before James places one of the hands that's holding me close to him onto Lance's shoulder.

"Protect my best friend. He gets scared during thunderstorms, his favorite animal is hippos for some reason, he craves attention even though he doesn't seem like the type, his favorite genre of books is manga, he can speak Korean, French, Japanese and Mandarin with Korean being his first language and Japanese being his second. He learned English pretty late in life, when he was 7. He's reserved and an annoying piece of shit when you think about it. He's allergic to nuts but will eat cashews even if he breaks out. Speaking of which, he's lactose intolerant and the slightest bit of milk sets him off." James laughs as I burst red before punching him in the stomach, earning a grunt before he laughs loudly. "But honestly, I've picked this all up when we were younger and I've held all of this information. Cherish it and him. Learn more of the little things. Promise me this as well."

"I will, thanks for not being all.... 'rawr' on me." Lance makes clawing motions as I snicker before shaking my head and letting go of James. "You know, attack-y?"

"I got that, no worries. But Keith, keep me up to date. If he does anything wrong, I won't hesitate to... 'rawr' at him." James smirks as I chuckle, backing up and walking to look up at Lance.

Everyone goes silent before I tap my neck and Lance looks over to his family who smile brightly at him before he moves to whisper into my ear. "Are you sure about this?"

"Bite my fucking neck before I change my mind." I hiss playfully as he yelps before using his palms to push my neck gently, grabbing my jaw and scraping my scent gland with his teeth before sinking in.

Resisting the urge to moan, I grip onto his shoulders as my eyes roll back from the pure pain I experience before he quickly licks it. Doing the same thing, he bends a bit down as I sink my teeth into his gland, earning a small grunt before licking the excess blood from his neck. "Done."

"Uh... Krolia, dear?" Kolivan whispers, cutting into our moment as he tugs on her arm.

"Is that water? Did your water break?" Krolia questions as my eyes widen before Lance turns to look at me, both of us nodding before pointing at the door.

"Hospital. Everyone. Now!"


You're lucky I didn't juke you. But if you want to see a Jeith version, I'll add one as an extension when the book raps up.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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