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I'm still severely weak from how stupid and smart I am. But we're not gonna talk about it. I might come out once quarantine ends, follow and stay tuned for how that mess will turn out. Anyways! Here's your daily dose of whatever the fuck this story is.


"Should you be talking? We don't want you to strain yourself." Shiro asks for the fifth time as I touch the bandage on my neck, raising an eyebrow on.

"I'm fine. I swear. You need to calm down. It doesn't hurt and the doctor cleared me. Now can you all leave my room so I can change? I've been stuck in this room for the past three days. I'd like to at least breathe before going to court for a third time in my life." I sigh as Pidge raises her hand as if she's in a classroom. "What?"

"You went to court twice before? What the was second time?" She questions as I shrug.

"I've shoplifted before. And that was the first time before they put me in the foster care system." I explain as I shoo them out. "Now if you'll leave me for a few seconds-!"

"I'm not going anywhere." Lance huffs stubbornly as I roll my eyes.

"I never said you. You stay, everyone else out." I hiss as they walk out slowly as I close the door and pull the curtains closed. "So I can't even change without you being here?"

"I'm not risking it. Until they're put behind bars, I'm not letting you out of my sight. Especially since you're carrying my kid." He hums as I smile softly before walking over to him and kissing his cheek gently. "I love you, Keith. I just want to protect you."

"And I know you will." I slip off the hospital gown, changing into my signature outfit of a black shirt and pants with my boots. My jacket still being held for evidence. "Now can we leave this crappy room and get something to eat. I'm starving."

"You are aware that we have to get to the courthouse in the next three hours right?" Lance questions as I lick my lips, patting my stomach teasingly.

"Then hurry up and feed us, why don't you?" I chuckle as his face turns red.



"All rise for the docket number 5467, Kogane vs Joseph and Bell. All rise." The head officer recites as everyone stands up. Watching the jury raise their right hands, they repeat that they'll remain unbiased and take in all the evidence given to come to a just conclusion.

"Let us begin. Prosecutor." The judge points her gavel in our direction as the prosecutor looks through her papers before handing them to the head officer, who brings it to the judge.

"My client, Keith Kogane has been through this twice and shouldn't have had to endure the pain of being sexually assaulted while on his own planet. He and his team, Voltron, came to Earth to escape the pressures of war and expected to be welcomed onto their home planet with warm and comforting arms. Instead, he was abducted from a cafe and dragged into the basement of the defendants' apartment building. There, his legs were forced apart and the dignity that he worked so hard to fix was stripped away from him once more." He began as he looked at me sadly. "We call Ezra Anderson as our first witness."

Seeing Ezra walk down the isle, I smile at him as he weakly smiles back before they make him pledge to only tell the truth and nothing but that. "Mr.Anderson, can you walk us through the events that occurred July 29, 20XX."

"The night before I was pulled aside by Keith Kogane to discuss the releasing of Owen Josephs and Mason Bell. I told him most of what happened after the trial and we scheduled a meetup at a cafe to discuss our lives in the past 9 years since his previous trial." Ezra explains as he licks his lips. "We got to the cafe, ate and I implied that Keith might have been pregnant. Just as I was suggesting we'd head back to the hospital, the defendants showed up and spotted us after three minutes. They confronted me as I hid Keith from their sight before they found out; knocking me unconscious. A few hours later, I hear them going at it with Keith before claiming to be bored before telling him to 'give me a shot'. Keith limped over and gave me verbal consent. I told him not to worry about it. After five minutes, they began to pleasure themselves while watching us. At this point, Keith grabbed his toolbelt and sword, ran up to them, stabbed them both in the legs before freeing me; I, having carried him the entire way back to the cafe where Voltron found us."

"Nothing further, your honor."

"Ezra Anderson. Is it not true that you testified for leniency 9 years prior in a similar case involving everyone accusing and accused?" The defense attorney speaks as she glares at Ezra while he nods.

"Yes I have."

"And is it true that you were involved in sexual actions involving Keith Kogane before?"

"Yes it is."

"Is there a question here?" The judge asks as the woman nods.

"You have feelings for Keith Kogane, is that right? What's to make us believe that you weren't hallucinating and filling in gaps. You were in a concussion, right?"

"I did have a concussion from being smacked in the temple with a fist. But I know what I saw and heard. They continuously raped Keith Kogane in that basement with nothing but evil intentions." Ezra nods. "And once upon a time ago, I did have feelings for the plaintiff. I no longer hold those feelings."

"You may step down. Call your next witness." The judge releases Ezra as the defense attorney nods.

"We'd like to call Keith Kogane to the stand." Taking a shallow breath, I stand up and make my way to the bench; going through the motions. "Keith. This is your second time accusing my clients of rape, is it not?"

"Objection! Motive?" The prosecutor shouts as the judge hits her gavel. 

"I'll allow. Restate. Mr.Dubois."

"Sorry. This isn't the first time you've seen my clients in court?"

"Correct. 9 years ago, I took them to court for the charges of second degree rape. I was 14 and they were 18." I respond shakily. "I also won that case."

"I'm well aware. Were you in any sort of relationship at the time of the first alleged assault?"

"No, I was newly presented." I answer honestly as he nods.

"So Keith, why did you come back to Earth? Surely you would want to get as far away from this planet as possible." He asks as I squint at him.

"My team decided to take a break from liberating galaxies and decided to check up on Earth. We wanted to introduce people to the idea of actual alien existence, plus we were stressed."

"So, why was it that the first time you left by yourself or rather with someone, you've always ran into my clients? Were you looking for trouble?"

"I was on a courtship date the first time I've seen them. The second time I was hanging out with a friend. If you think I went purposefully looking for them, you're dead wrong." I hiss out before grabbing my bandage lightly. "I could have lost my life this time around, why would I put myself in that situation?"

"I've heard quite enough of this back and forth banter. If there's a need for anymore witnesses, I'll allow. Other than that, I'll ask the jury for their verdict." The judge yawns as I stand up from the seat and make my way back to the chair I was previously in.

"We've been over the witness statement plenty of times, however you've ruled them out considering that he was apart of the DNA sample provided from the rape kit." My lawyer spoke as the judge nodded before hitting her gavel.

"15 minute recess. Meet back here for final verdict."


"Just breathe Keith, you got this." Lance whispers as I give him a small smile, sighing; freaking out on the inside.

Reentering the court room, everyone takes their seats as the judge looks over to the jury. "The final verdict?"

"On the account of kidnapping, we find the defendants guilty. On the account of rape in the first degree, we find the defendants guilty. On the account of sexual assault, we find the defendants not guilty." The head juror speaks as tears begin to fill the corners of my eyes.

"Sentence them to 25 years in the state penitentiary. You all are dismissed. Thank you for fulfilling your civil duties."


When everyone getting canceled and Minneapolis is getting torn to pieces... Can't wait for Gen Alpha to have to study this when they reach High School... 

~Shadow Out!🌑

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