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Oneshot book is out! Check out MiniStories for your daily dose of stories. You won't regret it. I have an EndHawks thing on there that will ultimately be hilarious, but it's a bit of a Season 4 spoiler. Anyways! Enjoy the reception!


Being seated next to Lance with Sal in a stroller near us, I couldn't have been happier as I watch everyone converse with one another with joy. Feeling a squeeze, I look up at Lance who smiles lovingly at me. "Hey. How you feeling, Mrs.McClain?"

"I am Mr.McClain, thank you very much. And I'd be great if my husband didn't pester me with his nonsense." I joke as he pouts, nuzzling my cheek with his nose; earning a laugh from me. Our tails swaying happily.

"Ouch. That must have hurt your pride." A voice interrupts them as a few footsteps interrupted. "Almost time for the toasting."

"I almost forgot about that... But wait, James. You're filling in for Krolia... But you're still my best man, so how does that work?" Keith questions as James smirks, pointing at himself confidently.

"I don't know, but it's been working this entire time. Don't worry, Shiro helped me with my speech so I know exactly what I'm doing. Hunk, however, is somehow nauseated by the thought of public speaking... He's going first." James smiles nervously as Hunk makes his way over, squeezing his paper real tightly.

James lifts his glass of white wine up, tapping on it with a fork to grab the attention of everyone; ultimately silencing everyone in the room. "Alright people! You already know what time it is and I'll have to direct all attention over here for the toasts. Get your glasses and tears ready for some heartfelt speeches."

"Way to draw attention to yourself." Lance snickers as I elbow him, giving him a quick glare while everyone giggles.

"I-I... I've been L-Leandro's f-friend s-since e-elementary s-school. H-he's always b-been a g-good person and I-I have n-no d-doubt t-that he's t-the p-perfect p-person f-for A-Akira... I can't do this..." Hunk whispers to himself, taking a deep breath as he crumples the paper and grips the microphone in his hand before turning to look at us with love in his eyes. "I've known Lance since we were kids and he's been so strong, helpful and patient. He treated everyone that I know of with respect and trust until they proved to deserve otherwise."

"Woah, sudden confidence." James whistles lowly.

"Lance had a crush on Keith since our first week of Garrison. Yet no one knew of his second gender. You can probably guess how shocked he was to have found out in the way that we did. Even more so the reason as to why he hid it from us for so long in the first place. I know it was hard for Keith to get here and I am proud as a fellow paladin and friend to have helped him reach this stage of his life. I mean, Salvador, the forgiveness towards Ezra and James. He's someone that everyone should aspire to be. They both are. I have so much more that I'd love to say but we'd be here all day. So I'll give the floor to James." Hunk nods once towards us, handing the microphone to James who's still in a bit of amused shock.

"Well I wasn't expecting that, but that was really sweet. I won't try to outdo that, but if I do; I apologize." James jokes, earning a few chuckles from the room before he sighs. "Keith and I grew up in the same neighborhood for majority of our lives. He's like my big brother, big shock I know. I've been a big factor in his struggles, starting with the death of the only biological family he had on Earth along with my family. His father saved my life and died trying to save my mother and little sister. Instead of holding hate in his heart, he accepted me as family and we looked out for each other. We had each other's backs and the one time I turned mine..."

I freeze lightly, looking down at mine and Lance's hands; feeling his fingers trace my knuckles as James looks over at us with tears in his eyes. "It's fine... just continue."

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