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"It... it hurts." A whimper escapes the brunette teen's mouth, her body trembling as she curls up. "I-is it over?"

"Shh, you did great sweetie. You're fine, my love." Keith soothes, releasing a steady stream of his scent to calm his daughter down; lightly scratching her ears as she whines. "Just a few more hours and it should all be over...."

"Hours?! I-I d-don't want to be here a-anymore! Please!" Elena shouts, groaning as the slight movement to turn to her head caused another cramp.

"Try not to move too much, ok? I promise, you'll be fine. I'm here, Lena. I'm here."


"Raine, did you take your medicine today?" Ryan questioned, glancing at his child who raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "Did your sister help you today?"

"My suppressants? I took them, but why do I need them daily?" Raine retorts, wanting to know why he needed them so badly.

"Not your suppressants. Your medication." Ryan reiterates, glaring at his kid who freezes; looking over to the tray on his dresser.

"They... they don't work, dad. Please, I don't want-!"

"I don't care what you want! Take them. Please, Raine. I don't want to keep fighting you on this." Ryan shouts before sighing, walking over and picking up the small medicine up full of pills. "You need them."

"But I'm fine! I-I haven't done it in so long, I'm fine!"

"Then what's that on your wrists? Hm?" Ryan points, causing the omegan to look down. Beads of blood drip through his white shirt, a look of embarrassment on his face. "You're depressed, so please. Just take the pills."

"But they make me so tired. I don't want to just go through the motions, I want to live for myself."

"You can't live if you want to die. I don't want to mourn my son, I want to watch him grow into a fine young man with a mate he could be proud of. Don't you want that?" Ryan questions, wanting to get through to his kid; knowing how bad his patience has gotten over the years.

"Fine. I'll take the stupid pills."

"Raine? You okay?" A voice snaps the dark skinned teen out of his trance, blinking slowly as he looks up at his boyfriend. "Hey, Space Cadet. Glad to see you're back. Where'd you go?"

"Hm? Oh, s-sorry. I was just thinking." Raine smiles tiredly, yawning as he scratches his cheek. "What were you saying?"

Salvador frowns, crossing his arms as he looks the teen over; wondering what could have made the omega so tired. "I was asking if you want to spend your heat with me? It's coming up soon, right?"

The omega flushes red, thinking about the circle on his calendar; marked for that week. "Ah, yeah it is. Um, I mean... we c-could... but I don't have... protection."

"O-oh, I didn't mean-! I meant-! I-I meant help you, n-not that!" Salvador's cheeks blooms red, absolutely astounded by the suggestion. "I- are you even ready for that?"

"With you? I'm ready for anything."


"SAL! SOMEONE HELP!" A shrill cry echos through the house. Footsteps pound up the stairs as the alpha kicks open the door, scanning the room with his parents close behind. The air stands still as eyes locked onto a purple haired Altean, pants down who paused to look at the previously locked door.

"Oh, you sick son of a bitch." Salvador chuckles lowly, glaring at the teen who flinched back from the harsh words. Scents turned sour as he reached out and grabbed the kid; bringing him close to his face. "Why did you think you could get away with messing with my family? You think you're strong?"

"N-no! S-she called me-!"

"Bullshit. Why would she call your dumbass? She's going through it right now, so why would she want to do anything with you?" Salvador spits as the Altean whimpers, mouth covered in blood. "You're so dumb. So what was your plan? Hm? Get her pregnant again and then mark her against her will?"

"H-he already..." A meek voice whispers, causing for Keith to walk over and wrap his arms around her; checking her over before seeing the broken skin on the back of her neck. "I-I thought... I was f-free..."

"Oh, so you fucking marked my sister. Did you try to force her to bite you back, stupid?" Salvador shakes the teen who licks his lips, tasting the blood on them. "That's it!"

The loudest crack bounces off the walls as the adults freeze to look at their eldest child, seeing him seething with his fist up. The Altean, Yani, was out cold in his hands; barely breathing.

"Baby, what happened? Are you ok?" Keith questions, cupping her face as she tears up; curling into his side as she shivers.

"H-he snuck in while I-I was trying to s-sleep... I-I... I woke up when he bit me and he c-covered my mouth, saying we... we were meant for each other..." She cries, shaking even more; torn up about the whole ordeal.

"Princesa..." Lance walks over, reaching a hand out as she smacks it; hiding her face.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Elena yells, crying in hysterics as Keith sadly looks at his husband; sighing as he rubs her back.

"Sorry Lance, but she doesn't want any alphas to touch her right now. It's not just you, so don't be mad at her. Please?" The ravenette sighs, rocking him and his daughter gently.

"Ok... Come on Sal, we'll take him to the police." Lance sighs, taking the kid from his son as he guides him out.

"It's going to be okay..."


A lot just happened. Hope you enjoyed.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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