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Third Person

"Pidge, how many times are you going to stand by the bathroom door when I go? I'm fine." Keith groans as he steps out the door; the short green haired girl waiting by the door for the fifth time that day.

"You never know, you could fall in." She shrugs as he whines. "Save that for Lance."

"Shut up!" He squeaks as she snickers before walking back into the living room with him following behind her. "How long are they going to be in town for?"

"Separation anxiety much? Hunk texted and said about another hour, so don't get your titties in a twist."

"Stop antagonizing him, Pidge. He has enough on his plate when dinner rolls around." Shiro interrupts as the beta pouts.

"Uh, what's happening at the dinner?" Keith's fox ears pin to his head, worried that he forgot something.

"Did you forget that Lance's extended family is coming over? We've yet to meet his grandmother, two aunts, cousins and an uncle." Pidge grins as Keith's face pales more. "Oh don't worry, I'm sure they'll love you."

"Pidge." Shiro glances over at the green paladin, who goes back to reprogramming the remote. "Nothing much to worry about."

"Easy for you to say! When you and Adam got engaged, all you had to do was introduce yourself to his aunt and grandmother! This is the rest of Lance's family! I'm literally the biggest fuck up on Earth. They'll hate me!"

"You're not the biggest fuck up on Earth... try the whole galaxy." Pidge snickers as Shiro full on glares at her, causing her to raise her hands in surrender. "I'm joking! Seriously Keith, his parents loves you. They're the only people you need to worry about. They're just here for free food, to be honest."

"She's right you know, dear. My brother and sister have heard so much about you already from Lance and they really want to meet you. You have nothing to worry about. Celia, however, is just here for the free food." Camille laughs with the last sentence from the kitchen with a grin, carrying over a tray of snacks. "You should focus on filling up for the two of you. They'll be shocked that you're carrying my grandchild for sure."

"I almost forgot about that..."



"Oh... what about this one?" Hunk points at a stand showcasing an silver band with a black diamond. "If that doesn't scream Keith, I don't know what will."

Lance hums in thought as his eyes gleam with joy. "I actually don't hate it."

"Oh thank god, that like the one hundredth ring we've looked at in the past hour. Keith is probably getting restless." Hunk whines out as Lance points to the ring, alerting the sales person who grins at them too.

"Ah the Blue and Yellow paladins of Voltron. Hear from a little birdy that one of you here is mated." The Unilu smirks as they point at Lance before opening out his three fingered hand. "That will be 200 gac or 3000 of your Earth currency."

"Luckily I have 200 gac." Lance smirks, well prepared for swindlers; handing the alien the money before chuckling. "And by the way, 200 gac and 3000 US dollars aren't the same amount. 200 gac is actually 20 dollars. Bye!"

With that, he and Hunk rush off with the newly brought ring. "Did... did we forget anything?"

"Let's see... we brought the rings, you brought your gift when I wasn't looking; rude by the way and I've made my phone calls. Krolia, Kolivan and the twins should be coming as well." Lance lists as Hunk squeals and hugs his best friend. "Woah buddy!"

"I can't believe it dude! It's been months and you're getting eng-!" Hunk tries to shout as Lance covers his mouth, smiling at some people passing by.

"Don't go shouting it out! And I'm not done. I asked for Krolia's permission and Shiro's permission... Next is James'..." Lance mentally prepares himself as Hunk winces.

"But is James even his friend? He was the source of Keith's problems; well, unofficial source, but still." Hunk explains as Lance shrugs, walking with his arms behind his head while looking up at the sky.

"Keith doesn't blame him. I don't blame the guy either. He's an asshole, I know. But he's good. Or as good as he can get. Keith trusts him, so I have to learn to trust him too." Lance squints as Hunk nods, lightly bumping him.

"That might be the most humble, adult-like thing I've ever heard you say." Hunk jokes as Lance sputters. "I'm joking! When you said you wanted a future with Keith was the most adult-like thing you've ever said."


"Yeah, yeah. Invite James to the dinner."


Heheh... Last chapter coming soon... Then for the mini epilogue!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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