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"Keith, are you sure you want to go? I mean you didn't go originally and you kinda threatened me when I asked before." James mumbles as the ravenette rolls his eyes, tying his red tie around his neck. "What if you regret it or what if you relapse? What if you breakdown? Will you really be able to pull yourself together in front of your kids?"

The fox hybrid huffs, pulling his hair into a ponytail as he turns to look at his best friend who pouts; ears downturned as Keith sighs with a shrug. "I promised myself that once I told my family about Ashlyn, we would all visit the grave and the reason I told you to keep it quiet was because I anonymously gave her to the hospital. I can finally have a service for her that means something."

"It's been over 20 years, Keith. Do you really think it'd mean anything to a corpse?" James pushes as the ravenette glares at him in anger. "I'm serious. I know it's the thought that matters, but she's gone. Doing this won't bring her back and I'm not sure that whatever alien magic you might possess will do that either."

"I'm not trying to bring her back. I'm trying to get closure." Keith calmly states as the brunette nods slowly. "That might not mean something to you, but I've been told to get closure my entire life. When Pa died, closure. When I was assaulted the first time, closure. Getting assaulted in the bathroom, closure. Coming back to Earth, closure. Seeing you, closure. Seeing Ezra, closure. Being raped a second time, closure. Nonstop closure. So you can see why I would want to get this closure. If you lost a child, wouldn't you want to send them off?"

"Fair point... not that you needed one."


"Here she is in all her glor-! Where the fuck is the casket!?" James exclaims as shovel is planted firmly in the ground, causing for him to look around in confusion. Keith's eyes widen as he makes his way closer to the grave as he glances around in shock.

"Where the hell is the grave?! You said this is where they buried her? Why is there just a blank grave with nothing but a shovel?" Keith questions as James pulls his hair in anger. The rest of Voltron, the MFEs, the McClains, Krolia, Kolivan, Ayako, Asahi, and Lance along with their kids watch the two panic over the grave as a voice speaks calmly.

"Uh... hello? Are you all looking for something?" A woman speaks clearly as Keith stands up, storming over to the woman in anger as he points at the tampered grave.

"Uh yeah, we are. We were coming to pay our respects, but the casket of Ashlyn Marie was removed? Why is that? I thought the hospital paid for this plot of land along with anything else. The tombstone is still there, so where's the casket?" Keith snarls at the woman who smiles weakly, turning to look over at the grave. Stepping forward, she calmly kneels at the grave. Pouring water over it, she lightly wipes it down and takes in the engravings on the stone.

"Ashlyn Marie... I haven't heard that name in a while..." She pulls away from the grave, adjusting the flower arrangements next to it as she smiles at the large group. "You all seem new around here. I'm assuming you all read about her in the news a couple years back. If so, do you know anything about her? Like where she came from or who were her parents?"

"Why are you asking all of these questions? We just want to know what happened to her grave?" James raises an eyebrow at the ravenette woman with brown eyes. Her ears and tail were a bright white golden retriever ears with orange tips.

"There is no grave. Well, there was no need for one that is." The woman begins as Keith silently walks over to the lady, shaking with each step as he kneels beside her. Calmly, he lights the incense and claps twice before staring at the tombstone. "Hm?"

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