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Bloom POV:
"I'm going to asked Uncle Charlie If I can Go over to the Cullen House Friday to meet Esme and Carile To see if I would like Esme to babysit Blossom for me since I know Rosalie and Emmet from what happened to me before having Blossom".

Hi Uncle, Can I go over to the Cullen to meet Esme she wants to babysit Blossom for me when I am at school. And I have two School stuff as a group with Rosalie and Jasper. Yes, you can and you can stay the weekend there too. Thank you, uncle, Love You. I text Rose saying that I can come over and I can stay the weekend. I see you tomorrow at school.

Rosalie POV:
Bloom Just text me saying that she can come over and she call stay the weekend too. I am glad that me and Emmet saved Bloom a 1 ago. I don't want her killed like me because of being raped. She remind me of my sister and Emmet Cousin. He said she had the same Eyes she was a fairy That All I remember. She was The Fairy Of The Dragon Light. She said if she had a daughter she name her Bloom and Blossom if she had 2 girls or if they was boys she name them Nick And Rick. I hope that she be okay with us being Vampires. She told us that her mom and dad get killed by a Red eye Vampires. I hope she not afraid of us. When she find out.

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