what they look like.

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Bloom Age 17:
She has Long red hair & Blue/Purple Eyes. She Love Her Daughter Blossom A one year old. She a fairy With Blue/Purple Dress and Blue/Purple Wings. She Has power of The Dragon Light.

Blossom Age 1:
She has red hair & Blue/Purple Eyes Like Her Mom. We don't know.
If she a fairy or not until she older.

Bella Swan: Age 17
Bella Is Bloom Cousin & Is dating Edward Cullen She has Brown Eyes & Brown Hair She help Bloom with Blossom.

Jasper Cullen Age 19
Blond Hair & Gold Eyes he is Animals Blood Eating Vampire He is Bloom Mate. Jasper is Adopt & has 2 Adopted Sisters 3 Adopted Brothers They All Gold Eyes Vampires. They go to High School.

Bella Cousin Jasper Mate.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu