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Bloom POV:
We made it to history class. Hi, miss Sawn My name is Mr. Pyan welcome to call. The history teacher made me talk to the class about me and Blossom. I said I'm from Japan I lost my parents in a house fire. I was rape when I was 15 and had Blossom at 16. I don't mind have a little girl I live with my Uncle Charles and cousin Bella Swan. I love to help people and Spinal need People and I do not like bullies. I love history and Art. That good You can set beside Jasper. Thank you, Mr. Pyan. You're Welcome. Have a good time a Forks Hight School. Does anyone know anything about war 2? There was a major name Jasper Whitlock The youngest Major he lies about his age to get in. He lost his life, but they never found his body. That right turn to page 200 in your books.

Jasper POV:
"Bloom know a lot of History. She knows about my human Life and about the war. I happy that she knows a lot"

They asked us to make a group of 2 and I asked Bloom to be in my Group. She said yes and thank you. Then she got some crackers for Blossom to eat. 

"I love both of these girls."

I hope we can be together. I won't turn her into a Vampire Of she doesn't won't too I won't make her. If she About to died. That the only way I will do it. Her blood is not hurting me that a first for me not wanted any blood. I can feel what she is feeling. She is feeling happy.

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