Chapter #15

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Bloom POV:
I got my class paper, and I got all my homework. I am feeling better. I'm happy to be alive and have my mate and my little girl. Jasper sees me smile It a first for him this week. I said I happy because I found my mate and have good friends and family. I happy that you happy Bloom. We listen to Miss Smith about Math. I dye my hair Blue. I don't remember some of math.

Jasper POV:
We in math class when Bloom just stares in space not again. I watch the clock and raise my hand. Yes, Mr. Hale? Bloom is having an absence seizure. Oh, one of the Fake seizures to get out work I know she fake them so tell her to stop and get back to work. Bloom came out of the seizure and start to get really weak but try to work. After class Miss smith said we both got to stay after school. We walk to the office and ask to see the headmaster please. Come in Mr. Hale Rose will see you. Hi headmaster Rose. Bloom had an absence seizure in math class, but the teacher told her to stop faking it and get back to work. What? Then told us to stay after school but my mom has to work, she babysits Blossom for Bloom. Okay you don't have to stay, and You have a defint math class tomorrow. Thank you, headmaster. You're welcome please let me know if there any more problem we will.

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