Chapter 1

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Bloom: POV:
Hi, my name is Bloom Swan I'm 17 years old I am Bella Cousin. I have long. Red hair & Blue/Purple eyes. I did live in Japan with my parents, but they got killed by a red Eye Vampires. I live with my aunt in Tennessee. But she wanted to take my baby girl name Blossom I asked my Uncle Charlie can I move in with him & my cousin Bella him said yes. Oh, Blossom! Has red hair and Blue/Purple eyes Like I do. I was raped at 15 & saved By Rosalie & Emmett Cullen, They Take me to the Dr, & I said no to the morning pill to kill the baby if I did get Pregnant. I love Blossom I am glad I didn't kill her. Rosalie & Emmett gave me a jeep to get ever were I need to go. I pack my & Blossom Stuff in my Jeep & put Blossom in her car seat & drove off to my Uncle Charlie House. I love Blossom nothing will change My love to her or my family.

A note.
I know it short I am Trying It my 2nd book.

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