Chapter #22

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Bloom POV:
I got up and got Blossom ready I have to take her to school with me today. The Cullens will not be at school today. I asked the headmaster if I could he said yes. I been seizure free for 3 weeks now and I can drive again. I'm happy I can Bella gave me back my Jeep. Okay. I made breakfast for all of us. Uncle Charlie told me I could drive and told the others cops about my seizures. Dr Cullen gave me a go ahead to drive.

Jasper POV:
I can't go to school today I hope that Bloom be okay. Wait a min the bracelet I walk outside, and I don't sparkle in the Sun anymore hey everyone the bracelet work we don't have to miss school or work on Sunny days. They all came out and see they do work. Okay kids go to school and please keep an eye on Bloom she has blossom with her today. Okay we went to school. I see Bloom just come into the car park. Hey guys the bracelet did work. Yes, they did. We walked to class and had a good day Bloom look better and Health. I happy maybe her seizures are getting in control now.

Bloom POV:
I had a very good day. I hope my seizures are in control now. I got blossom in the car and I hear a car out of control. I turn and get Blossom out got out of the way in time. I see Jasper and his family looking at me and Rose and Jasper both came over and check on us my foot did get hit. I said my foot is stock. Emmett and the whole football team moved the van I fell on the ground and start to cry I'm in pain. I feel faint. I hand blossom over to Rose. I asked please take her to Emes I going to get my foot check out. Yes, I take her and call Your Uncle for you thank you. I go with you to the hospital. Okay thank you Jasper.

Roselie POV:
Me and Jasper run over to bloom and blossom. She okay but her foot. I called Carlisle in Charlie tell him know that booms on the way to hospital.

Hi Rose, is everything ok?

No Bloom just got her foot stock between two cars. Blossom is okay. Oh she on her way to the hospital with Jasper.

Okay Thank you for calling me.

You're welcome I'm taking Blossom to Emes.


Hello this is chef Swan.

Hi Charlie Bloom on her way to the hospital she got her foot stock between two cars. Jasper is with her, and Blossom is going to Emes.

Thank you for calling me I'm on my way to the hospital to check on her. And please tell Emes thank for watching her.

You're welcome And I tell her.

Hi Rose I got everything ready for Blossom Alice just told me just bring her home.

Okay I be home in 10 minutes.

Bloom POV
I just waiting on the Dr. I hope it Dr Cullen. Hey Jasper, you didn't have to come with me. I know I wanted to. Okay. Hi Uncle Charlie. Hey, I heard about your foot. Yes, I just Got Blossom out of the jeep and got out of the way but my foot.

Carlisle POV
I heard the chef niece is in. Hey Dr Cullen.
Okay Miss Swan. Your foot is broken in 2 places. So cast for 6 weeks with a wheelchair. And no driving for 6 weeks too. Okay thank you Dr Cullen. Anytime. Hey, some med to take for the pain you be in. Have a nice day. Jasper you okay to pick up Bloom and take her to my car Charlie asked. Yes, I can. See you later son.

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