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Jasper POV:
Rose was talking to my mate she is beautiful and so her daughter they look alike the same red and same blue/purple eyes. They are coming over. She said her name is Bloom and this is Blossom my daughter. I said my name is Jasper this is my sister Alice and my brothers Edward and Zach we are Rosalie and Emmet Brothers and sister It nice to meet you and you too Blossom. Can I see your class paper so we can see if we have any class together? Cool we have all the classes together. Let go to our first class together so I can show you around.

Bloom POV:
I meet Rosalie and Emmet Brothers and Sister. They love my daughter Blossom. They didn't mind me having a daughter at 17. I'm glad that I have all my classes with Jasper some with his family too. I went to my locker to get my books and put my jacket in the locker. I have 2 classes with my cousin Bella. 

"I happy I know 7 people here Bella Jasper. Rosalie Emmett Edward Alice and Zach". 

I happy they not putting me down for being A teen mother. I asked Jasper to show me my first class and every class we have please as I push the buggy with Blossom in it. We made it too History I love war 2 I make A in this class. There was some talk about Me being a teen mother I wish they don't talk about us.

Bella Cousin Jasper Mate.Where stories live. Discover now