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Jasper POV:
I walk Bloom to our next class we have with Bella and Edward. It Bloggy Bloom walk up to the teacher desk with Bella, and they gave him the paper to put his name on. He set Bloom in fort with me and Bella in the middle with Edward. I see him hold is nose because of Bella blood smell food and it bad where we can hurt Bella, Bloom and Blossom. 

"I think please try not to think Her blood is sweet to drink to Edward". 

He Nod to me. Like to thank me. We made it to the end of the day and Rosalie come over and said would you like to meet our mom and dad this weekend to see if she can babysit Blossom for you when we are in school?

Bloom POV:
Rosalie just asks me if I wanted to go to their house to me Esme their mom and their dad to see if she can babysit Blossom for me when I am at school, I said I have to ask my Uncle Charlie can I get your number Rose if that okay if I can call you rose. She said yes, I can call her Rose.

Rosalie POV:
Bloom just asked me if she can get my number and if she can call Me Rose. I said yes you can call me Rose. I gave her my cell number and she gave me her number. I said call before 9:00 at night and after 6:30 in the morning. On Saturday it 8:30 in the morning.

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