Chapter Twenty-Five

Beginne am Anfang

"Hey. Find anything useful?" He asked her softly, eyeing the road maps marked with different colored sharpies, all of which  were spread across her bed. She was staring intently at a laptop, carefully drawing lines along the little road marks.

"Um... well I figured out most of the possible routes she could've taken..." She backed up from her work, staring at the hundreds of different lines, indicating the possible paths I could've taken to get to California. It was silent at they stared at the chaos of sharpie on the paper. Mysterion eyed her when she let out a shaky sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asked her in a near whisper.

"I don't know," She slumped back against her wall, "Don't you have that... weird, icky feeling that maybe this is all pointless?"

Mysterion's heart began to race, and the rest of his organs sank deep, deep, deep into the pit of his body. He knew exactly how she felt. It seemed completely hopeless. I had already been missing for a month.

"Why is it pointless...?" He asked anyway, already knowing the answer, but still wanting to hear hers.

"Well... we'll probably never find Y/n... There's so many different places she could've gone. Buses she could've went on, different times she could've gotten on them. She could've got on the wrong transfer for all we know! There's so many places she could be..." She said, starting to sound emotional as she rubbed her temples.

"M... maybe there's a chance...? There has to be something that could help us find her..." He sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"I don't know, Kenny..." She sighed, and then she sniffled, "Maybe... she really did leave us forever..."

"It hasn't been long... Maybe she'll change her mind and come back one of these days." He turned to her again. But all he saw was her covering up her red face with the purple ski mask and sniffling again.

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Kenny, but... I just don't feel like thinking about it much right now." She told him. It went silent again. Mysterion pinched the bridge of his nose. It wasn't fair. Every day he missed me more. My ridiculous energy, my careless nature, the way I gave zero fucks about anything. It was still hard to believe it was over. He still cried about it some nights. Especially the long ones, after spending hours trying to figure out why Cartman had done it. But they finally figured out his scheme. Today was the day. They were finally going to ruin everything he's been working towards.

"What's going on with Cartman?" She asked him a few long moments later.

"He... wants to become president." He explained. She turned her head towards him fully.

"Uh... Why...?" She asked.

"I don't know. He probably wants to take over the country or something stupid." He shrugged.

"Well... what's the plan then, big bro?" Little Mystery asked him.

"We're gonna kick his ass before Thursday. Procratinate him meeting up with Mrs. Obama at all costs. Eventually we'll get around to sabatoging his channel too. You know we've been at it for weeks now." Mysterion smiled.

"Well you can't report him. All of his content cooperates with the community guidlines. Has anyone tried to delete the server, or even his channel directly from his account?" She asked.

"Yeah, actually. Tupperware and Toolshed just got back from a stealth mission this morning. They tried to hack into his computer to get to his account, but Coon was already a step ahead of us. The code he implemented into the programming completely blocked them from even factory resetting the damn thing. Then Coon caught them and sent Butters' disgusting mutant ass to toss them around. Thank God they were able to fight for an escape, at least." He told her.

Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x Reader || South Park FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt