S I X T Y - T W O

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Davina rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but Mia cut her off before she could do so.

"Before you say anything please remmeber that if it has nothing to do with saving my family then you are rendered useless and you would have wasted your time talking to me. Speak fast." Mia said before extending her and for Davina to grab.

"Trust me, you'll want to hear this." Davina said as she grabbed her hand and pulled her to the other side.

Klaus and Hayley sat in the pews talking amongst themselves before Mia arrived with Davina. Klaus immidietly stood up and made his way to her. "Mia." He said softly before wrapping his arms around her.

"Nik, what's going on?" Mia asked pulling back from him.

"I will explain again, this time a little shorter." Davina sighed.

"The only way we are going to defeat the Hollow is with you and Hayley. Without you, the Hollow will come for us all." She said watching as Mia's cocky attitude vanished.

Once Davina had explained that the Hollow was a child that shared the power of two rival tribes who were aiming for peace she told them the last thing they wanted to hear.

"Your blood, along with Hayley's is the key to killing her." Davina said as Mia looked at Klaus with a sad smile.

"I knew it." She said quietly making his heart churn.

Klaus shook his head, "There has to be another way!" He yelled at Davina.

"There isn't! If we don't act now she will obtain the last bone which will make her indestructible! Even the Mikaelson family won't stand a chance." Davina argued.

Hayley looked over at Mia with an encouraging smile, "We can do it, we have to. For our children." She said making Mia nod.

As the conversation was going she was rubbing her stomach, thinking about her child's future.

"Mia will be put in danger! Find another way Davina Claire or I swear to you-" Klaus tried to threaten her but Davina was not having it.

"Do what?! Kill me?! I'm already dead." She retorted.

"I'll bring you back, if that's what you want. But you have to swear to me that to your knowledge this is the only way to stop the hollow." Mia said standing up.

Davina sighed, "This is the only way. I'm sorry." She said trying to hide her nervousness.

Mia sighed and looked at Hayley, "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Once those words have left Hayley's mouth Davina sent the two girls back to the world of the living and vanished into thin air.

"Let's go we don't have much time." Mia said speeding to the car with Hayley close by.

An hour trip turned into half when Mia sped through the streets of the city to get to Elijah. She was careful not to hurt anyone and used magic to the best of her ability to move pedestrians out of the way.

By the time they arrived Elijah and Marcel were in the middle of the fight when Hayley sped in to knock Sophia off of Marcel.

Mia tightly gripped the sword laced with her blood along with Hayley's and charged towards the Hollow. As soon as the blade made contact with her skin the Hollow yelled in pain as Mia pushed it further into her side.

"A little birdie told me our blood is your weakness." Mia said out of breathe as the hollow got down on its knees.

Sophie chuckled before standing up all while digging the blade into her deeper wihtout wincing. she brought her hand up and used her magic to make Mia fall onto the ground.

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora