I lay down on the sand and lay flat with Tk and Matt on either of my sides.

Luna was on my chest, ready to comfort me in any way she could. She looked down at me sadly, but all I did was smile in reassurance that I would be fine.

I looked back at Tk and Matt, then, Sora and Mimi came to sit my sides while Izzy was nect to my right leg to hold it down. Even the digimon circled around me to comfort and support me in this time.

"We'll help you." Mimi said as she grabbed my left shoulder and held it against the sand.

"This is the least we could do to help you through this." Sora said grabbing my right shoudler and holding it down against the sand.

Tk and Matt both grabbed one of my hands and held them tightly.

"We're with you all the way." Izzy said pushing down my right leg.

I smiled, grateful for their support. I took in a breath and let it out slowly, then closed my eyes and nodded.

"I'm ready." I said.

I could easily tell that Joe was nervous. His hand was shaking over the bolt slot and he constantly missed it.

However, after a few tries, he finally inserted the crank and held it tightly and steady.

"Okay... Here we go, Raya. On three." He said.

I pushed down into the sand "One."

I held in my breath "Two."

I clenched my teeth against each other bracing for the pain.


The crank twisted and the pain shot up my leg. I couldn't hold it in this time. I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

Tk was crying along with Mimi. Sora was ime the verge of tearing up with Luna following close behind. Izzy couldn't stand looking at me with such a pain filled expression, so he turned away to avoud my gaze.

And Matt...

He clutched my hand so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Breathe, Raya. Just breathe." He whispered in a soft tone.

I did as he said and breathed slowly in and out as the final crank went on. I screamed loudly again as the pain became worse.

After my screams died down, Joe removed the crank and collapsed onto the sand exhausted from the nerve-racking procedure.

"I... Did it." He gasped.

"Yes, you did, Joe. Thank you." I said. I struggled to sit up even with Matt's help. He gently picked me up onto his back, being careful not to irritate my leg too much.

We beagn walking throughout the desert searching for Tai, but it was no use.

Eventually, we stopped for the night. After a while, everyone began to feel tired, so we decided that it was best to go to sleep if we could.

Tk walked up next to me and Luna with Tokomon in his arms.

"Tk, what's the matter?" I asked when I saw his swollen eyes.

He sat next to me and didn't waste a second to let go of Tokomon and engulf me in a hug, crying into my shirt.

"I was scared, Raya." He whispered, "I hate it when you are hurt like that. Please, don't get hurt ever again. Promise me that."

I was surprised to see Tk like this. I never really expected this from him, since he knew about what would happen.

But, I reminded myself that he was just an eight year old kid. The same age I was when I lost my leg, and that he wasn't as tough as I was, even back then.

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