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"As much as I'd like to wear our costumes, I don't think it'd be very good for going on rides," Judai sighed while they were getting ready, both of them opting to focus on layering since it was a cold night - they'd have to shed a layer or two after a while because they'd probably get warm from walking around the fair so much (plus there'd be a lot of people there), and it'd just overall be nicer to not have to worry about something like a costume.

Especially with the wings. Those were far too complex to deal with in place like an amusement with park and hey weren't even going to try.

"Maybe next year we can do something else," Judai shrugged, giving him a smile and pausing at the happy one Yusei seemed to get that was much like a few times before - Yusei wasn't looking at him for long, but it was that type where he was happy about something he'd said or done without realizing.

Maybe one day he'd understand it, but for now he was perfectly happy just managing to draw them out of him. He would always be satisfied with a job well done pulling smiles and laughter out of his boyfriend.

"Did we get everything?" Yusei asked, already double-checking his own self before gesturing for him to pass their bag over and dumping his wallet and a few other things inside, "There we go, now I don't have to hold that..."

"I think we did... yeah we did," Judai confirmed, leaning over and glancing through the bag's contents for a minute before deciding they were good to go, "Alright, it's almost dark outside so let's go!"

They would be walking there again, so they huddled close together in the routine that they'd gotten used to over the month doing their nightly walks to the park for Yusei's flying practice, Judai swaying their hands a little as they went. When they got there they were able to skip most of the crowd since they had tickets they'd printed out at home after getting a discount, and soon enough they were inside and the sun was setting.

"We should probably do the same thing as last time - rides first, everything else second," Judai suggested, looking around at the lines and such and seeing that this was probably the least dense it'd be until closing time.

"Sounds good to me," Yusei replied, tugging his hand lightly and nodding his head over at one ride in particular, "Let's start with that one?"

It was one of those ones that was like an altered version of the teacup ride, where it spun around based on where your weight was and what angle the thing you were sitting in was currently at - that ride could get really intense, believe it or not, and they'd gone on it multiple times last time because it was short, sweet, but fun to go on. The lights on the little part of the ride were lit up in a stream of oranges and purples, and there were little Halloween streamers and other decorations littering the outside fence of it.

Everything in the park was like that, too - Halloween decorations on all parts around the outside of the ride, and any and all lights set up to be alternating Halloween colors. It gave the place a spooky type of glow that Judai was sure would only get better once the sun fully set and it got actually dark out, and it left him a little excited to see it.

"Hell yeah!" Judai grinned, pulling him with him to get in the line, which was short luckily because sometimes this ride wasn't the most popular thing for people to go on as it was often thought of a kid's type of ride (which Judai greatly disagreed with after getting stuck pressed to the wall thanks to how fast it was spinning). As usual, he applied just enough of his hiding ability around them to make people see them but not really notice them enough to recognize them, which was how they'd gotten away with going to the fair the last time as well, and they had zero problems getting on the ride and all the ones after it, too.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now