Chapter 16

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Wedding day:

Sarah: It's time to leave.

Jesse: I'm ready (fixing tie).

They go downstairs.

Joe: You may only go to the wedding and back. I will be alerted if you try to remove the tracker or if you are no longer within the boundaries I've set. Is that clear?

Jesse: Crystal.

Joe: Good. Roy is outside waiting for your mom. Mike and I are leaving to make sure everything is as should be before the wedding starts.

Mike & Joe leave. Roy walks in.

Roy: I won, kid.

Jesse: You'll never win as long as I'm around.

Helen comes down.

Helen: Are you ready?

Roy: Always have been.

Helen: Sarah! Al! Let's go!

Jesse: I have to do something first. I'll have the driver drop me off.

Helen: Don't be late!

They all leave in a limo. There are guards inside the limo and in cars surrounding the limo.

After a while:

Jesse receives a text. It's from Helen.

Helen: Buy some more flowers on your way.

Jesse: Better get going.

Jesse leaves with the driver.

Jesse: Drop me off at the flower shop.

Driver: Yes, sir.

Jesse: You don't need to stick around. I'm meeting someone there. We'll leave together.

Driver: Are you sure?

Jesse: Yeah, I'm sure.

At the flower shop:

The driver leaves. Jesse stands in front of the shop. A black car pulls up in front of the shop. A man walks out of the car and approaches Jesse.

Jesse: Stay back! (pulls out gun)

Man: Easy, kid. I just wanna get some flowers. Put that thing away and help me pick some out.

Jesse: No, I know what you're here for. I know who sent you. If you make a single move, I'll shoot you.

Man: You're late for the wedding. How about we give you a ride (reaching for gun).

Jesse shoots the man in the chest. The driver opens his door with a gun in his hand. Jesse shoots his hand causing the driver to drop the gun. Then, he gets back into the car, closes the door, and makes a phone call. Jesse shoots two of the car's tires and runs. Another black car is speeding down the street after Jesse. The shop owner calls the police. He described Jesse and the two men and explained what he saw.


Helen: Jesse's not picking up his phone.

Roy: I'm sure he's fine. He should be on his way right now.

Jesse runs into the mall in hopes of losing the men after him in the crowd. The men enter the mall after Jesse. Jesse takes the escalator.

Man #1: We can't do anything with all these people around.

Man #2: We'll chase him out then grab him when nobody's looking.

Man #3: How are you gonna do that? He's not a little kid. He has a gun, too.

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