Chapter 14

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At home:

Someone rings the door bell.

Briggs opens the door to ensure safety.

Delivery man: I have a package for Jesse Williams.

Briggs: I'll take that.

Briggs brings the package inside and scans it for anything dangerous.

Briggs: Clear.

Briggs places the package in the living room.

Jesse comes downstairs.

Briggs: There's a package for you in the living room.

Jesse: OK. I'll check it out. Thanks.

Briggs leaves the room.

Then, Jesse heads down to the living room only to find Roy opening the package.

Jesse: Do you have a hobby in looking through other people's property?

Roy: Oh, I was expecting a package and thought it was mine.

Jesse: Really? I didn't know you changed your name to Jesse Williams and made this your address?

Roy: Yeah, I wanted it delivered here because it's something for your mom. You never know, this could be my permanent address sooner than you think.

Jesse: Sure (sarcastically). I'll just take my package and leave.

Roy: Don't under estimate me, kid (winking).

Roy leaves.

Jesse: What the hell did he want from my package? What's in this thing anyway?

Jesse goes up to his dad's office and locks the door. He opens up the package....first thing he finds is a letter from Elizabeth.

The letter reads:"You're reading this now because I've asked a dear friend of mine to send this to you in the event that something happens to me and couldn't tell you myself...."(Jesse is called).

Jesse: Yeah!

Sarah: Breakfast is ready!

Jesse: Just a sec!

Jesse hides everything away before he can even finish the letter and look through the rest of the package. Then, he locks the door, places the key in his pocket and leaves to the kitchen.

Al: Mike & Joe are coming for breakfast.

The doorbell rings.

Sarah: They're here!

Mike & Joe enter.

Joe (to Briggs): Any trouble?

Briggs: All good for now.

Mike: Hey, Roy!

Roy: Hey, Mike!

Mike: How are things going?

Roy: Things are great. Actually, there's something Helen and I would like to say.

Helen: Shouldn't we wait?

Roy: I'm excited to tell them.

Helen: Ok. Roy and I are officially engaged.

Mike & Joe: Congrats!

Sarah & Al: Wow!

Jesse: Congrats.

Roy: Helen and I are getting married soon.

Helen: Roy is also moving in.

Roy: I want us all to get used to each other before it's official.

Perfectly Doneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें