Chapter 1

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Helen: Alright kids, I have two friends coming over today!

Jesse: How come we've never heard of them before?

Helen: We've met not too long ago, but we haven't seen each other for a while.  We met through other friends, before I knew your father. Each of us got busy with their own life and now they would like to get to know you guys.

Jesse: Ok, mom. I'll be back soon.

Helen: Don't be late hun. I want you to meet them.

Jesse leaves the house to play a game of basketball with his friends. When he arrives, he sees his friend Brandon and the others waiting for his arrival.

Brandon: Ready to shoot some hoops?

Jesse: Let's see watcha got!

The friends play a good game of basketball. Until, Shane, a boy on the other team who always wants to start fights because he thinks he's better than everybody else, starts a fight with Jesse.

Jesse: Hey man, just chill.

Shane: Who are you telling to chill? (Pushes Jesse).

Then, Jesse punches him in the nose, and Shane bleeds. And at the same time, two men in a gray SUV stop by, who identify themselves as cops.

First Cop: What do you guys think you're doing? (Pulls Jesse away from Shane).

The second cop takes Shane to a bench and helps him get cleaned up.

Jesse walks away and sits at a different bench. The two cops ask his friends about what happened.

Brandon: He's usually not this aggressive. It's just that.... Shane always thinks he's better than Jesse at everything. So, Jesse wanted to show him who's really better.

The two cops look at Jesse, and ask Brandon: Is he really the best player?

Brandon: You'll see.

Brandon and the two cops watch Jesse as he chugs a cold bottle of water, and pours another one over his head. Then, he throws both bottles, one after the other, into a trash can while standing backwards and not facing it. The cops were surprised they both made it in. He makes it look so easy.

Brandon: Now you know why.

Jesse approaches his friend and the two men.

First Cop: You shouldn't be causing trouble.

Jesse: Things happen.

Second Cop: Apologize to your buddy over here. (For the purpose of embarrassing Jesse).

Jesse: I'm sorry I kicked your ass. (All the others are laughing).

Shane tries to get up, but the cops stop him.

Jesse: I'll see you guys later.

Cops: Don't be causing more trouble.

Jesse walks away.

Later....he hears a car come by. It was the two cops.

First Cop: Where ya headin'? Need a ride?

Jesse: No thanks....I got this.

First Cop: you know this address?

Jesse: got a steak out at the big one? (Laughing).

First Cop: Very funny....we're visiting a friend who lives there.

Jesse: So....that's a smartphone in your hand,right?

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