Chapter 2

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Joe: It's great to see you again, Helen.

Helen: It has been a long time. Actually, I would like to invite you to our party. It will be in two days. This party is in celebration of our company's success, the release of our new product has made a remarkable increase in the company's revenue.

Mike: Sure, we'll be there.

Helen: Great!

Meanwhile, Jesse is outside. He is sitting on the dock. He takes a deep breath, and fills his lungs with the fresh air. Then, he decides to take a swim in the lake.

He takes his shirt off, and dives in. He swims in the warm lake water. He swims until he reaches a red buoy and rings the bell.

Joe: You must enjoy being out by the lake.

Mike: It sounds like it's windy outside.

Helen: Oh, that's Jesse. He rings the bell every time he's out there to let me know.

Ahhh....He spends time by the lake when he has something on his mind.

Joe: What could be on his mind?

Helen: I wish I knew.

Jesse fills his lungs with the cool, fresh air that smells like pine trees.

He swims back to the dock, put his shirt on, and walks towards the house.

He walks in.

Helen: Yes, it will be great....(talking to Mike & Joe).

Oh, honey. Guess what....I've invited them to the party. (talking to Jesse).

Jesse: Great! See ya guys there (Going up to his room).

Jesse goes up to his room. He looks out his window. His thought gets lost in the cool breeze. He is remembering what had happened earlier. He remembered when he had pulled the trigger. He can still hear the gun shot. Then, someone knocks on his door, which brings him back to his senses. It's his younger sister, Sarah.

Sarah: Jesse, open up.

Jesse opens the door.

Jesse: What's going on?

Sarah: Mike & Joe want to say bye.

Jesse: I'm coming.

Jesse goes downstairs.

Joe: It was nice meeting you. (Shaking Jesse's hand firmly).

Jesse: Nice meeting you, too.

Mike: we'll see ya soon.

Mike & Joe leave.

Jesse looks out the window as they leave.

Jesse: I'm guessing we'll be seeing those two a lot.

Helen: That's right.

Meanwhile, Mike & Joe are talking about their visit.

Joe: That kid, Jesse, looks like he's done something.

Mike: Looks like he's smart.

Joe: Yeah, a smart mouth.

At home:

Jesse: Mom, my friends and I are going to the beach tomorrow.

Helen: Ok. I have to prepare for the party.....everyone's going to be there.

Mary....Mary! (Calling the maid).

She goes upstairs.

Jesse was going up to his room, when the phone rang.

He picks up the phone. No caller ID. He answers.

Jesse: Hello.

Person on phone: Hi. Is Hellen there?

Jesse: Who am I speaking to?

Person on phone: Tell her it's Roy.

Jesse: Mom, someone on the phone named Roy wants to talk to you.

Helen: Ok. You can hang up. I'll pick up the other phone.

Hello, Roy.....

Jesse hangs up. He wonders who Roy was for a second, but then he didn't really care. He goes up to his room. He looks at a picture of his father, and remembered his death. His father, Marshall Williams, died a few years back. Jesse was out of town when he died. Not being around when his father died makes him feel even worse. It burns a hole in his heart every time he sees his picture. Marshall was killed. There was a robbery to steal money and products from the company. He was murdered in the process. Jesse and the rest of the family weren't around when it happened. Jesse still feels suspicious about his father's death, but he never brought it up because it would kill his mom. An investigation was started immediately. They believed it was planned and an inside man was involved, because they had perfectly executed their plan. They knew all the leading entrances and exits into the company, they were able to make an escape route and leave without a trace. Helen always asks about the progress of the investigation, but it was done so perfectly, they didn't leave any evidence behind. They don't even have a clue about who it could be. It kills Helen to not know who murdered her husband, and that they are still out there. She sometimes has nightmares that they are trying to hurt her and the kids.

Jesse looks away from the picture. He walks to his bed. He turns off the light, and goes to bed. He can't sleep. He can't forget what he has done. The image of both bodies on the ground can't leave his mind.

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