Chapter 7

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Next Day:

Secretary: I didn't know you were in the office today.

Jesse: I'm just here to see how they're doing.

The office is being remodeled. Everything has been taken down, even the walls. They're starting fresh.

He goes up the elevator. Then, walks into the office.

Worker: We found this in the wall.

It's a flash drive.

Jesse: Does it open?

Worker: They've already tried. It's encrypted.

Jesse: Maybe someone in the office can take a look at it, and then send it home.

Worker: Sure thing.

Jesse: Thanks. Good work guys!

He heads home.

At Home:

Al: Are you coming with us?

Jesse: To where?

Al: Outside. We're gonna jump on the trampoline, and hang around the pool.

Jesse: You and....?

Al: Sarah, Mike, and Joe.

Jesse: Mike and Joe? (Laughing).

Al: So, are you coming?

Jesse: Maybe later. I have to work on that jet ski.

He goes upstairs to change into something he can work in. He changes into a white tank undershirt and black track pants. Then, he goes down to the garage. And with one simple push of a button, he raises the jet ski with the electric jack, and lays under.

Half an hour Later:

Al, Sarah, Mike, and Joe walk in.

Al: You're still working on that jet ski?

Jesse: It's only been half an hour.

Al: Really? It felt longer than that. We wanted you to come with us (Playing with a soccer ball).

Jesse: Could you not play with that in here?

Joe: Don't worry....nothing's gonna happen.

Jesse: That's what you said about the jet ski (Continuing to work under). You're going to ruin something (Half way out, looking at Al).

Al: I'm not going to....(trying to catch the ball, but accidentally trips over the switch).

Luckily, Jesse saw Al trip over the switch. So, he was able to roll away in time before the jet ski falls on him.

Jesse: Ugh (Looking at Al). You know what....I'm not wasting anymore time on this.

Jesse: Leonard, have someone take care of that jet ski (Talking through the intercom).

Leonard: Right away master Williams.

Jesse: Thanks, Leonard.

Jesse: Well, that ends it for now (Picking up the tools).

Leonard: Master Williams, there is someone at the door who would like to hand something in to you, personally.

Everyone pauses, they all look at Jesse wondering what that "something" could be.

Jesse looks away.

Jesse: I'm on my way....Why are you all looking at me?

Mike: Nothing.

Jesse: Is it now a crime to have something delivered to you personally?

Joe: We didn't say anything

Jesse: Your eyes did.

Mike & Joe look at each other.

Jesse looks at them. Then, leaves.

He walks out to meet them outside.

Jesse: Was anyone able to open it?

Office Worker: Yes, but we haven't looked to see what it contains.

Jesse: Ok. Thanks. I'll open it and see.

He was going inside to open the flash drive when someone yells his name.

He turns around. It's Nicole. He puts the flash drive in his pocket.

Jesse: Hey, what's up?

Nicole: Can we talk?

Jesse: Sure....uh....let me take a shower first.

Nicole: OK. I'll wait in the garden.

Jesse runs to the shower and forgets about the flash drive.


Jesse goes down to the garden.

Nicole: There's something I need to tell you.

Jesse: Is everything alright?

Nicole: Jesse....

Jesse: What's wrong?

Nicole: The camp....they want to cancel it. There aren't enough people to run it so they want to close it. What about all those kids?

Jesse: Whoa, calm down. It's ok. I can help out.

Nicole: You'd do that?

Jesse: Of course I would. You know I love working with kids. I hard could it be? I only have to do a couple of things....right?

Nicole looks at him and smiles. She gives Jesse a hug and leaves.

Al: Jesse & Nicole sitting in a tree....

Jesse: We're just friends....from my side at least.

Mike: She likes you? Why don't you tell her you only want to be friends?

Jesse: She's gotten used to it. If I mention it, it will only hurt her even more.

Sarah: Let's go inside and see what's on TV.

They all go inside.

Sarah turns on the TV.

On TV: The double murder that happened the other day seems to be gang related. A shoot out happened before anyone had died. A third party may be involved....

Jesse leaves to the kitchen.

Mike & Joe follow.

Mike: What was that all about? (curiously)

Jesse: Nothing. Can't I get a drink?

Joe: There's more to this story and I'm gonna find out (looking at Jesse angrily)

Mike & Joe leave (Joe pushes Jesse with his shoulder)

Jesse shakes his head doubting it.

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