Chapter 11

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At camp:

It's lunch time.

Brandon: Hey, Jesse.

Jesse doesn't pay attention.

Brandon: Jesse....Jesse!

Jesse: Huh? Sorry.

Brandon: What are you doing?

Jesse: Nothing. I just have to make an important call real quick.

Jesse leaves to another part of the park, but doesn't really need to make a call. Jesse is searching for the missing number to complete the address. The number should be between 50-59. He looks up the street on a virtual map program and can see the street view. Jesse has ten different houses to find out which one Elizabeth is in. He remembers from the two photos with the number and street name that the plaque is on the left side of the house. Jesse checks all the houses on that street and finds out that four of them have a plaque on the left. Numbers 52, 55, 57, and 59. Jesse needs more information to know exactly which house is the right one. He needs to get home and look at the rest of the photos for more information. Jesse walks to Brandon.

Brandon: Is everything alright?

Jesse: Yeah. Everything is fine. I need to make a quick stop somewhere and will be back soon.

Minutes later:

Jesse stops his car a few streets away just in case Joe decides to stop by. Then, he checks the surveillance to make sure nobody is inside. Jesse didn't remove the flashlight pointing at the camera from yesterday and left his window unlocked, he can climb up to his room without being caught by that camera. Jesse climbs up and unlocks the drawer right away. He looks through the photos one by one and notices that the door is also on the left. That takes out number 57 because the door is on the right. The color of the door is red, which also excludes number 55. The correct house is either 52 or 59. However, it's hard to tell which one it is because they both have the same door color. The photos don't reveal enough of the house to show a certain landscaping or any lawn accessories to tell which one it is. And even if there were, the street view Jesse is looking at might not reflect what is in the photos depending on when they were taken. Jesse needs a way to know which house is the right one. The numbers 5, 2, and 9 showed up again. This means that the right house has something to do with those numbers. Counting steps helped him find the photos, maybe counting houses will help. Jesse counts the number of houses it takes to each of the two houses from the beginning of the street. It takes 15 houses to reach number 52, while it takes 22 houses to reach number 59. Jesse believes it's most likely to be number 59 because of the number 22, a familiar number. He still needs more information to make the final decision on which house it is. Jesse hears a car outside. He waits to see if anyone walks into the house. Jesse sees Joe open the door and walk in. Jesse quietly puts the photos away and locks the drawer. Then, he climbs down, hurries to his car, and drives off to finish camp.

After camp:

Jesse arrives at Joe's house. Mike & Joe are watching tv.

Jesse: Hey.

Joe: Hey. You hungry?

Jesse: Nah, not really.

Jesse's phone rings.

Jesse: Hello.

Sarah & Al: Hi!

Jesse: Hey guys, we missed you at camp. Having a great time?

Al: Yeah. It's awesome.

Sarah: Yep. It would've been funner if you were with us.

Jesse: Sorry guys. I can't leave Nicole with camp. I promised I'd help.

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