Chapter 13

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At the graveyard:

Jesse was able to arrange for Elizabeth's burial in the US instead of London by providing proof that Erica Jones is Elizabeth Williams and since he is a direct family member.

Jesse: It's not fair....what they did to us (crying). The only thing a mother wishes is to see her children grow and succeed (sniffing)....and you didn't get to see that. They took me away from you when dad sent you to London, and now they took you away from me when things were going to be ok (crying). Why dad? Why did you have to send her away? I know you didn't do any of the things they said you did (to Elizabeth). I never stopped loving you. It's too late to blame dad for what he's done, but I promise I will find who do this and why (crying harder).


Jesse walks into the house.

Joe: Hey. Everyone's upstairs. Can we talk?

They sit in the living room.

Joe: Listen, we might know why Elizabeth was a target, and it has nothing to do with Frank. We believe it is a way to scare you for money, a ransom. That means you and your siblings could be in danger if they decide to come after you for money. So, it's been decided that none of you will leave anywhere without the escort of the officer assigned to protect you and your family.

Jesse (to himself): Like we need another cop around.

Joe: What was that?

Jesse: I said....If it has to be done this way. Anything to protect my family.

Joe: Are you sure you'll be ok?

Jesse: It'll take some time, but I'll be fine.

The door bell rings. Joe opens the door.

Joe: What a nice surprise! Come in!

Helen and Roy walk in.

Joe: I wish you had told me. I would've made us all something to eat. I'll just call for dinner.

Jesse: Mom?

Helen: I came as soon as I heard what happened (hugging Jesse). I'm so sorry.

Sarah & Al: Mom's back! (running down the stairs)

Helen: I missed you guys so much! (hugging Sarah & Al)

Mike: Hey, Helen.

Helen: Hello!

Al: Why are you back early?

Helen: Wow! Looks like you've been having too much fun here. You don't want me back?

Sarah: Of course we do! But did you finish everything you needed to do?

Helen: I finished everything that needed me to be there. I can finish the rest here. So, how was your stay?

Al: It's awesome here. We go to camp everyday and it's so fun here.

Sarah: We've been enjoying our new bikes, too.

Roy: Anything for the coolest kids.

Jesse: I'll be back (feeling uncomfortable).

Helen: Ok, honey. Take your time. We'll talk when you're ready. I'll be here for you.

Jesse leaves to his room.

Al: Are we leaving home tonight?

Joe: First we'll all enjoy the rest of the day, and then you can worry about going home. You're welcome to stay for as long as you want.

Sarah: I think we'd like to go home.

Joe: I thought you like it here.

Sarah: We do, but we do miss home.

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