Why do I feel like I know you, even though I don't (10)

Start from the beginning

Once we had made it out of the station, it was already dark outside. The first stars already shining through the blanket of clouds, lighting the gloomy sky. Okay the light of the street-lamps, restaurants and cars, was of course brightening up the night as well, but I just preferred to think more poetically and in my opinion the stars were definitely better to use for a poem than the lights of things that human had created. Stars were magical, mysterious and infinite. They were just floating through the sky? Floating was definitely the wrong word, maybe resting, or simply existing? If I wanted to write a poem about it, I should definitely have a better vocabulary than right now.

"Hey", Harry lightly nudged me from the sight, "why are you so deep in thought?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to", I hastily apologized.

"I don't mind."

"I was just thinking about the stars", I then replied.

"I like looking at the stars too. They seem so far away and close at the same time, as if you could reach for them, although they are millions of kilometers away", he spoke and I nodded along, agreeing with what he was saying.

"I wonder what lies up there?", Harry said, his head directed at the clouds, "I mean there are so many more galaxies, planets, that we haven't discovered yet, that we know nothing about. Imagine if there was another earth somewhere? Imagine people from that planet wondering about the exact same thing as we do. It's fascinating to think about."

"Sorry I didn't mean to bore you with my rambling", Harry apologized, probably because I hadn't said anything yet.

"I'm the opposite from bored", I clarified, and searching for his eyes to meet with mine, "In fact it's quite interesting to listen to what you're saying."

"Oh well. I'm sorry though I'm always talking to much bullshit. I just. Never mind. I should shut up", Harry stuttered, when we had just reached our dormitory.

"You don't. What you said were questions that I ask myself as well", I stated, "do you still wanna go to my room", I questioned, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah", his voice merely above a whisper.

I let the two of us to my room, closing the door behind and taking of my jacket, only to hang it over the only chair in this tiny room. Harry was standing a little helplessly in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

"Which one do you wanna listen to first?"

"What?", Harry replied dumb founded.

"Vinyl. Which vinyl would you like me to put on?", I amusingly replied.

"Oh, you really have a record player in your dorm", he blurted out, then covering his mouth with one hand, making me let out a light laugh.

"Yes I do. What did you think? That I would lie to you Curly?", I questioned, while quirking an eyebrow.

"No I. Forget it", he mumbled, "Fleetwood Mac." Harry shuffled through his back until he had found the right LP then handing it to me. I put the phonograph onto the right setting and the record started filling the silent room.

"Come here", I anticipated spoke, motioning with one hand for him to come closer, to what he slowly complied, until he was standing right in front of me, with only a few centimeters of space between us. Even though the music was rather loud, I could hear his rapid breathing, nervousness was written all over his face.

"You know what I wanted to do today?", I asked him, while placing each of my hands on his waist.

"What?", he whispered, his green orbs locking with mine.

Spaces Between Us- Hold All Our Secrets (ZARRY AU)Where stories live. Discover now