Part 15: Breathless

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 My breathe hitched as our eyes both glowed a bright purple ravenously eating up the rooms dankness. When our eyes met, we both held out a hand. When our skin touched.

That was when i knew..

i found my mate.

Our fingers interlaced as peoples foot steps thundered down the hallway. The sound of bullets and screaming all faded into nothing.  i couldn't breathe, an entirely new feeling hit me. I felt connected to him, a unseen force pulled me to him, i can't stop.  Then the lights seemed to burn out from out electric gazes at each other. 

When the foot steps were feet down the hall, i pulled back. He looked up and i followed suit. At the door was a mix of more important looking hounds and Alpha, Echo and Elder jiwoo's bloody face. But none of the blood was her own. I took a step away from him as they all amicably walked in and settled in the conference room. Sitting at the opposite head across from me was blue haired boy. The first to speak was Elder jiwoo she turned to me at one head of the table, "My queen, they stopped fighting after combat duration  of twenty minutes. They said they wanted to talk and sort things out." She side eyed the old man across from her, "But i'm remaining skeptical."

My eyes narrowed at the moon children.  But when they landed on blue haired boy i found them softening. He somehow managed to make me do things i wouldn't normally do. I spoke, "What could you possibly say to defend yourselves?" The entire time i spoke my eyes didn't leave tall blue-haired boy.

He stared back at me, stood up and said, "It was not us who did that attack, i'm San by the way." His eyes never broke with mine as he spoke. 

Elder Jiwoo interrupted, "Nonsense! the attack was the work of hounds!" 

The moon children looked upset that she called them hounds. I'm assuming that they don'

t like the name. I raised my hand to silence her, "The attack was done by your kind. Now, your denying that, who else could it be?"

San replied, "It was moon children but about a week ago we had members of the pack go rogue. They worked with humans to use our venom to make weapons. Again, it was not us who did the attack."

I think he's telling the truth. For some reason i think he wouldn't lie to me. I looked to Elder Jiwoo and say, "Elder Jiwoo send someone to make sure it checks out." I looked at San, "I'm Min-so." As one of the alpha squad runs out the door i announce to Elder Jiwoo, "Oh, and let my grandma know, i have found my mate." With that Elder Jiwoo's eyes went wide and she stood up.

She and all the other blood children took a knee and shouted with their heads bowed, "Congratulations my Queen, may you have a happy future." 

The moon children all had wide eyes when everyone got back into the previous protective formation they were in before. One of the older looking moon children sitting next to San asked, "You have a blood queen? How? The line ended with Mi-Ran." 

Looking at San i answered, "I'm the only daughter of late queen Mi-Ran."

The old man looked at me like i was a complete liar, "How? Mi-Ran's mate died at the age of 18. You would be much older if you were her child."

i countered, "Well..I'm pretty sure i am. Queen Min-Ah has already preformed a ancestral blessing. That can only happen with blood relatives. "

The Moon Child Elder wondered, "Maybe you aren't her mate's child...But the result of another relationship."

My gaze suddenly went to Elder Jiwoo, "My father was human, i was raised by his human family."

The moon elder spat, "Blasphemes! If you were part human you would not have abilities. He obviously was not human."

Elder Jiwoo looked at them with a feel of daggers. she said, "She is the daughter of queen Mi-Ran that's all that matters." The door of the room burst open and  the same alpha squad solider zoomed in and moved her hands to sign something to Elder Jiwoo. Then Elder Jiwoo whispered in my ear, "Their story has been confirmed, Your grandmother wants to speak with them at the castle."

With that i stood up, "Your story has been confirmed, but some of the elders are skeptical. I ask you to accompany me to our castle. Don't worry we promise to keep you unharmed, as long as you follow our rules."

The moon children whispered among themselves until San stood up "We would like nothing more." 

As we flooded into the halls through various wreckage and carnage, I found myself drifting towards San. When we stood mere inches apart i could feel my heart rate going up. Once, everyone was piled into the trucks for our troops. We realized that everyone can't fit in the trucks. I decided to ride out on my motorbike i came on. San declared to his moon children that he'd ride with me. He is very unsubtle about it. But begrudgingly his moon children let him ride with me.

I revved the engine as he put his arms tighter around me. Every touch of his strong arms felt like they would melt me right away.  if i could forever stay in those strong arms of his, i would. His breathe in my ear soon became a soothing melody. His heart beats were the words of the soothing song. In this moment i'd give him everything, my riches, heart, even my life.

 As the revving of the engine of my motorbike was clouded out by my thoughts. Now, i understand what those ladies meant by a feeling I've never felt before. For some unseen reason i would give my being for this complete stranger. It was once an unfathomable idea to me. But now... I understand.

Once  we arrived at the castle San's arms let go. Which made me feel a deep pull inside my chest. There was an almost tangible magnet pulling me to him. And it hurt  deep in my bones when we separated to our moon and blood children. While the rest of the group went to a huge conference room. I separated, i'm on a mission. I must find Min-Ah, I have questions. 

Taking a deep breathe i pinpoint her location. She is in the ballroom on the main floor. Speeding through the crowd of various Blood children i finally have her in my sights. While she's socializing with a group of vastly different characters i grab her from behind. I easily lift her in my arms, Once at a quiet room. I set her down, Then noticed the nonchalant look on her face. she simply states, "If you wanted to talk you could have just asked."  She stops and takes in my face sensing my emotions. Then she continues, "Oh, whats wrong?"

I took calming breathes, "I'd like for you to explain, why is my mate a moon child?"

The look on her face changed quickly. From surprised to worried  then finally to a look of innocence.

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