part 11: mirrors can be horrific

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The worst feeling is when you are hurting so badly inside but not a single tear comes out. When you went dry from the internal pain of emotions. When you don't feel alive anymore, just a shell but still moving with the world around you. Only one person has put me in this state and there will only ever be one. That's a promise to myself.

Even when she condemns me I'm still running to her side, In the entryway is Min-ah, Biming, and Xiaolian. Mother's face becomes so defeated, She looks more ghostly than my young grandmother, "It's the skank!! Why ? She hasn't aged a day!" My mother wails on her side in a fetal  position violently sobbing. None of her calm regality shines. 

 She knows them, Mother thinks Min-ah is Mi-Ran. Their uncanny resemblance confuses her.   She told me father showed up with a child in hand, not that she knew my mother. Once again caught in a lie, yet i am helpless to defend her.  Kneeling to her side Scorching the blood children with my gaze, "What do you want?"

Mother grips my arm tightly, "You can't take her! You have already taken enough from me in this life. I won't let you have her, this is your punishment! you should be dead!" She continues on as a mad women bending manically.  Mama, when did you get like this?  Even when you hit me you didn't flinch. Where's my marble mother? Why have i not seen till now?

My blank face finally contorts showcasing my worry. Carefully I stand up, leaving my mother's side. Instinctively I join the wall of my 'brothers'

Xiaolian shows her temper at my mother's harsh words, "How dare you talk to our spirit queen like this!" She powers up turning her eyes a demonic glowing red. 

At that moment my grandma commands, "Enough you disobedient children." She took a stride in complete grace towards my mother clearly stating, "Give her to me." My mother stops her emotional struggle standing herself up with the composure of a gazelle. She motions my brothers to move away from me. 

This group of ragtag blood children now ventures to me. But another person walks in. Time slows when my rescuer, my bliss, my latest adventure walks through the door. He takes notice of the company at my home, Chen looks surprised and turns to Xiaolin, "What are you doing here?"

Xiaolian shows the white of her eyes whipping around as if her ears had deceived her. All attention fall to Chen, this is my distraction to escape. Softly stepping backward to the kitchen in hope of reaching the service exit. The gods know how many times I've used it to escape in the past. Gleaming seeing it's pristine locking mechanisms are a reminder, this is not a home. It is a prison. The steel cold door handle leaves my hand to tremor as i twist. Quickly a hand covers my mouth.  The scent is strong and crude only a blood child could reek this bad.

One shift of my weight releases any hold Biming gained, lifting my knee high to his manhood. His groan of pain is my signal for making a exit. But my master plan is foiled when Takeshi grabs my ankle slamming my body to the ground. Biming straightens through his pain to wrap me in his arms, keeping me complacent. All while Chen blocks the exit door. It is a beautiful team effort but still horrid for me. Mustering up enough strength I brake Biming off of me. Then calmly stride over to my grandma while she mutters, "Ahh the strength of a Sinduel can never be opposed, it's beautiful."

At her side, looking her up and down i realize the resemblance is astonishing. We share the same jawline, eyes, and  almost the same lips. Mine are just a bit plumper. My nose is just a bit smaller but almost the same shape. its like a blurred mirror, our voices have a similar sound just her's commands respect and full of elegant dignity. Finally after my stare down of her i am mimicking of her voice, "I have come to realize that i will never be able to come back. My life has changed forever, my family is not my family anymore, my job of which serving humans, will never quench my royal thirst for adventure. Therefore, i will do what you order. I will be your blood queen and rule."

With this said all the blood children even my grandma, dropped to a kneel in service then chant in unison, "long live the queen."

My family has a look of horror on their faces. The shock must be like a bucket of cold water for my mother. She looks like she is about to have a heart attack. The blood children all rise when I nod of approval. Xiaolian in a smile  states, "Wow a suitor of all the clans already. she works fast."

My grandmother remarks, "She will prove to be a valuable queen."

They think well of me, a good beginning if i am to rule. "We must leave my family out of all matters as to protect them." Xiaolian and my grandmother nodded incomplete agreement at this. I'm not surprised at their agreement. Min-Ah didn't seem the type of person who would get along with my mother anyways.

The blood children escort me out the door before my family could start asking questions. My grandmother orders, "Take us back to the castle"

Closing my eyes at an instant i felt my breath taken away and replace by pure power. A strong purple light envelopes my senses and everyone around me. it's a thrill that's almost unexplainable. But god is it worthy any heart ache, pain or stress that will come with this. It's like a drug. By the time i opened my eyes again we were in that elegant bedroom i once woke up in. The memorable reds mixed with white and gold, there isa chandelier i had not noticed before. i am about to say something when Chen covered my mouth  and whispers in my ear "Shh somethings wrong." 

Hurriedly assessing I sense the hearts racing of blood children. Each person falls to a flank near me ready to defend as the group exits the bedroom into a grand hallway. Every wall is marked with scarlet blood, the smell tells me it's all from blood children. A blood body lays at every step. Steadily, the group makes hace to the main hall. A pitter, a weak pat fills my ears so tiny none in the group pick it up.  With quick and precise steps i rush to the faint heartbeat. 

Near the huge doors lays the sole dying survivor is a elder man on  his deathbed. The dying tang of his soul rings into mine, our blood child connect staying strong as he uses his last to turn to me. i plead, "No, its not time yet!" He assumes himself and me with the glance that this is it. Tearfully my voice croaks, "Who did this?"

His mouth bleeding scarlet coughs as he tries to speak, but it is no use. Kneeling to hold him pleading with his soul i hear him plain as day. it was the bloody hounds, they've teamed up with the humans. His heart went silent after that.

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