Part 13: the past cannot be outrun.

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When she took me to my quarters to retire for the night, i took her hand as she was about to leave. i stated, "Wait, don't leave yet...i have questions."

She looked unfazed, "okay.."

i stole a deep breath then asked, "How will i know when i found my soulmate?"

I've not yet seen my grandma have a shock. Even when we arrived at the castle with the massacre  she was unfazed. But in this moment, her eyes went wide. she asked , "you didnt sense your mate?"

i shook my head, "No, is it possible i don't have one?"

She looked flabbergasted but answered, "The only possible way you wouldn't have a soulmate is because you're not of fully royal supernatural blood. But you're obviously fully supernatural or you wouldn't have powers."

i asked, "So, the reason my brothers are not blood children and have mates is because their mum is human?"

"yes, they are only half supernatural therefore, all abilities they may have inherited are null and void. But since you are full supernatural, you have abilities and a mate."

Great.. so, i do have a mate and this whole ordeal is just in my head. Now i  don't have to worry anymore..Great, just great. she asked, "Is that all?"

i nodded a yes. 

she kissed my forehead, "Rest up darling, we have a battle very soon." After that she exited the room.

i prepared myself for rest, when i was finally done i laid my bed with my eyes closed. What if i never find my mate? i cannot let this happen. i squished  my eyelids tight then relaxed them. I looked in the depths of my soul. Calling out for my mate, i focused all my energy into it. Until, i saw the outline of a man. he was tall, broad shouldered and around six foot. Abruptly, the vision ended and i was back in my elegant red, white and gold room. 

 Once again, i was alone.

______________________the next morning_________________________

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bright morning lights.

i remembered that unhelpful vision i had the night before. Because you know an outline is very helpful when you're trying to find one person out of millions of possibilities. i swear these visions are the most helpful things in existence.  

I reluctantly roll out of bed. As i get ready for the day i noticed, i'm not hungry. Usually, i'd get out of bed, get ready then feel the hunger but not anymore. It's an amazingly odd feeling to not require food. But with this new development, i continue my day as per usual. I wear a  battle suit that was laid out for me. It's a red protecting  leather like material, with bounding arm plates,and a white design on the front, all over some tight black pants in battle boots. There is also, a sachet in the side attached to the pleated skirt. Though, it seems like a lot. This ensemble is very flattering and comfortable. 

Once dressed, i head down to the  main floor.  When i reach the others, i am greeted by many other blood children in full battle armor. Xiaolian walks to me, she speaks as she guides me "i'm glad it fits, this armor you wear has been the blood queen's since the very dawn on our existence. oh, i remember when your grandmother wore it." When she stops talking we are in what i presume to be a training room. Since, there's mats on the floor and weapons across a wall to my left. As i peer around more, i realize we are in the basement. Which has been enlarged to the span of about under the entire block. 

When Xiaolian says, "It's time for us to prepare you for battle." Then leaves. I realized, i'm probably going to be sneak attacked. So, i pretend to look at the various racks of weapons as i wait for the attack. When i feel a presence behind me i duck and dodge. I didn't get a glimpse of their face but i can smell who it is.  He whips around at lighting speed, but i drop kick him. he falls to the ground just as i sense another attacker behind me. I jump about 6 feet in the air to avoid their hit.  As i come down i get ready for hand to hand combat with both attackers.

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