part 4: blood isn't always red.

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My castle? I can't even fathom this. How did I get here? Racing to recall this shit but my mind goes blank. The last thing I remember is going to work. "What happened?" Then stand up. I should probably get back to work I have a big case coming up. While searching for the exit I look at them expecting one to answer me.

Then my could-be grandmother speaks up, "Well... My dear, you just experienced the power of your mother and ancestors. "

Okay that was all I needed, now I need to get the fuck out of here.

I study them for a second, just to check if they're joking.

But they aren't.

Long story short, I run out the door. But not at a normal pace, I can tell because, by the time I stop I'm on the corner of Wall Street. I'm also bringing in quite a crowd, better run. But as I jolt off I see Annie in the crowd looking at me with fear being her new best friend.

Running even faster trying to get the images of scared people out of my head, but it didn't work. Strangely at this miraculous pace the surroundings don't blur together feeling more like a motion picture. As I run, I can feel someone watching me maybe even behind me. Stealing a glance back, I see a group of six people chasing after me weaving through the cars of the main roads.

Run! Min-so! Each second feels even faster, It's a smooth transition pushing my body to the limit. I dared to take another glance back they disappeared, just gone with the wind. They disappeared completely. Slowing down Reevaluating where I am, The front gates to home of that mysterious tree.  I hear the wind whisper "Min-so.." calling to me again.

And I can't help but answer.

I walked in feeling the calmness take me over. The light breeze of serenity. The way the wind felt on my face as I closed my eyes is a feeling like no other. The feeling of sunlight overhead wanting to come down and heat my face up but the snow won't allow it. Each step deeper is under closed eyes, ears full of whispers, and lungs empty. There is no escaping fate, opening my eyes to their own demise.  It still mesmerizes me so deep it hits the soul. Everything, the way it reflects the sun from its pink flowered petals. Deep brown bark christening to lighter shades as an ocean ripples.

My scenery is overtaken by branches snapping, I turn around to see the same six people wearing black uniforms behind me. They did not look happy. One of them comes up to me, its a woman with short black hair and red eyes. Anger is the only feeling I get from her. She is radiating a mountain of anger. She has these weird looking handcuffs in her hands Twirling them as she says, "You have committed a capital crime against our kind and now you must pay the price."

Next thing I know she has me in those funky looking handcuffs. I react doing the only thing that I can, I try to break them. This mental is unlike any I've seen red shining. She pulls me by the bonded hands to my feet. She watches my hands carefully. I have to get out. Tugging the hardest I can feeling it pulling my soft skin to a bruise. Hearing a freeing snap I feel my hands go free.

Looking her dead in the eyes I wear a grin then brace myself to run. Each step is amplified in my triumph to the main gate.  To be honest, I still can't even believe that it even worked. All my fortune came to an abrupt halt at the front gate when I notice another group of about twelve of these uniformed freaks.

Naturally as if I had been dodging my entire life I double back taking cover behind a random tree and riding this out. Who are these people? They seem to all be together, I may be in deep shit. I wish I was invisible. Amazingly they didn't even notice me there. Crouching into the snow for a good time the group dissipates  in a thousand directions. In a harsh heat My legs bolt me body up and out. The course of this newfound strength feels invigorating, my heart racing at a thousand beats per a minute. It's a entirely addicting feeling and I'm willing to take this drug.

It was amazing weaving through cars on the icy roads. But then all that came to a stop, when a single snow flake landed on the tip of my nose. Then ten more snow flakes came down upon me. Each one sending a tingle down my spine, as the snow fell harder I found myself enjoying every minute of it. I casually stroll off the street B-lining to the side walk.

Each crunch of snow under my boot has the intensity of lightening. I am the only soul on this pavement so when I hear, "Get milk, eggs, peanut butter and jelly." I guess I'm crazy now, hearing voices and all. carrying on the corner of the block is a women carrying a grocery list.  One small problem with this all...Her lips aren't moving. 

Is it possible to her her when she isn't speaking? Could I read minds? Nah that's just crazy to even insinuate. Pacing on to my home, I mean I did just run incredibly fast. It might not be too far out there.

Nope, I'm not even going to think about that. It's not possible, or is it? Also who were those people in the black uniforms? Because you know wearing all black uniforms and trying to 'arrest' people isn't weird. It's a totally sane thing to do. Not, seriously though who the fuck does that! 

This is exhausting but I'm relieved to see my home. I need to go out and shovel when this snow stops.  Going up each step with caution but my heart still worries. There is something off about this strange calm. None of the birds chirp, no cars pass by, and no neighbors in sight. 

I can sense something is wrong, it's eating away at me.

It will feel better if I just take a quick walk around the block just to scope out the place.

Hurrying down my steps, My own my street  doesn't feel safe anymore even through this i cant help but admiring all the super fancy modern houses. I am a sucker for beauty. 

I'm feeling like easy prey out here in the open. I stop at the end of my street and pretend to tie my shoe, but instead I close my eyes and calm my breath. I'm listening for something.

Still listening.

There it is, its a heart beat.

But not one, over twenty different ones. Each thumping in my ear, like little drums. Pounding, a little to much for my comfort. They must be blood children because they sound different from human heart beats. And they're all getting closer, and closer.

Too close.

When my eyes reopen studying myself back up there is at least twenty uniformed people surrounding me in a tight circle.  All of them are looking quite unhappy, I believe angry is the term for it. One of them  evaluates me and growls. Okay, maybe their hangry. Then all at once they charged me with fangs out and wild.

I know to bend down gripping the pair by the ankles. Calling upon any and all strength, a single spin then my hands let go sending them into the air. But there's always more. Three more came after me, anybody wanna talk about unfair there's three of them and one of me. That's unfair.

A grunt escapes my lips as the closest one jabs me side. Lifting my elbow high butting him sends the solider into the few behind him.  It took only a couple of minutes for me to go all Jackie Chan on they're butts. Each one of my movements was calculated. 'Look for the vantage points' Takeshi's voice reminds me.

Now they're all knocked out in a pile near me, and great I officially scared off my neighbors for good. Hopping between scattered bodies. My descend back home begins when my hands are pulled back and I'm in handcuffs. Looking back to see the red eyed woman from earlier and dozens more soldiers, "You are under arrest for a capital offence to our kind, the punishment is death."

Well, this is just great. 

Edited/revision 2/27/19 ......8/29/2021

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