part 6: royals

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Min-ah, cut of stone, soul of gold it seems, moving as freely as a fish. She with a stern and forceful look on her face demands as if speaking to dirt itself, "Take me to the king."

Then a blinding light emanated from no particular direction enveloping us as it's own, energy is all I feel. 

Once I opened my eyes, the uniformed freaks were all hunched over barfing or coughing up blood. It didn't look pleasant to experience.  As I find myself hopelessly turning trying to make sense of the new surroundings, Min-ah clears her throat at me signaling to dignify. The place is a huge towering estate of stone, looking medieval and surprisingly European. A well preserved mansion with no cracks, like a fine can of peaches. 

Shining for all to see it triumphantly, The steal doors of the mansion open with no sound, because that's not creepy at all. Almost appearing out of thin air our group is escorted by a woman with white hair and eyes that shoot knifes at anyone she looks upon.  Once step into this place tells me of the walls teeming with Blood children. Each one a sweet delicacy to my nostrils taking each sniff greedily.

 Uniforms similar to my pursuers are worn here, the grandest of these basic attire is worn by this snow haired women. Her steps have a trained silence through the grand halls embellished with gold at every chance. At each turn the hall takes a new theme coming from a heavy British monarch influenced hall with plated amour as art to the new paper fanned hall noticeably themed auspiciously with animals. Influence of Asian cultures.  This dragon hall being the last turn took us to a sliding paper door. Carefully moving to reveal a man waiting to greet us eagerly with a pearly smile. 

He has black hair and green eyes, he is appears to be in his late twenties. His clothes are very nice, he wears a black Gucci suit fitting him well, it's obviously been tailored. He must be important, none of the other men I've seen here have worn a suit that nice. In my professional opinion, I would estimate it upwards of eleven grand. Only being my best guesstimate. Out of the countless fashion witness in my years this suit is entirely stunning, embroidered to perfection, sleek still no bumping, this is the work of a well known genius I had interviewed before for an exclusive. He wears it well, each tailored ripple illustrates his toned muscular stature. Charcoal  hair slicked back accentuates his milky skin, When he glances at me evaluating him , I can feel those jade eyes piercing through me deeply to the soul.

 Min-Ah looks this stunning creature up and down almost spitting as she speaks, "Child masquerading as a king, pitiful." She rolls her eyes, "Absolutely pitiful."

This man takes her wicked insults in stride then countering, "Well, I guess a queen's spirit never dies."  He has a deep sigh then spoke, "Nice to see the great wise warrior queen Kim Min-Ah's spirit is still wandering around."

Min-Ah almost broke her character lifting a hand seemly to smack him but she holds back taking a toothy smile, "Ah, my little Bi was always quite mouthy. Let's get straight to business. Where is your mother?" Her smile almost seems like a snarl, "Leaving a silly boy to do the job of a sinduel."

Suddenly the sliding door booms open smacking it's adjacent.  A middle aged women enters the room and her presence in it's self demands power. As her eyes cast on Min-ah they widen in the    single moment of weakness I'll most likely ever witness from her. Sounding as the red fox, "That's a face I never thought I'd see again." She takes a step closer to examine Min-Ah then she voices, "I see now your not really here."

Min-Ah drops her façade, "not in front of Min-so!" She mutters to herself, "So very much insolence in these children."

The women has a resemblance to this man telling they must be related.  Her eyes are more entrancing emerald than his. She is a fox becoming more cunning as she turns to me , "And who might this be? And why does she bear a striking resemblance to the late queen Mi-ran?" She bows her head in honor mentioning the the name Mi-ran, "Respectfully my sire."

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