part 7: memories are knifes.

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Suddenly, the front door opens. A voice yells in question, "Min-so? Min-so is that you?"

I look up to see my mother popping out from the front door. She has long black hair and electric blue eyes that peer into your soul. She speaks with an accent, it's obviously a foreigners. She was born in Korea, but raised in China then moved all around the world but studied in America then settled in Japan. She knows five languages in total, and is the founder of Mystique magazine.

She is an amazing person, my idol since I was a child. I couldn't imagine life without her and now I can't help but break down into tears.

I have cried in front of only six people in my lifetime and only one of those people and I are not related. My mom runs out the door to my side, she envelopes me in her arms. Her scent is calming, her words are bliss, she is perfect. I've longed for her embrace Everytime I was sad as a child. Unfortunately she didn't hold me much and ignored me. She was an elusive creature when I was growing up. 

My body is shaking uncontrollably. My eyes are full of hot tears, I can barely make out anything but I manage to see my brothers Hyuk and Ki come out of the house to see what is going on.

I stand up then wipe my tears from my eyes and dust off my leggings but I can see blood stains on the knees. The burn of scrapes on my knees hits for a second then it leaves. I leave the spot I had planted myself on in the Pavement. When I start walking to the front door my mom wraps her arm on my shoulder.

Taking a glance at the huge figures in the window that looks into the living room I see my other brothers. Chang-Kyun and Sehun are peering out the window. Before I make the first step into the door my brothers Min-hyuk and Min-ki hug me and lift me up above their heads.

After they gently put me down, my mom asks, "minmin, why and how are you here? You were in New York this morning and now your halfway across the world in Japan. The trip should've taken more then a day."

Im unsure upon how to answer this, I can't tell her about the bloodchild thing can I? No, it would put her in danger and if anything were to happen to her it would be my fault. I answer, "I'm sorry, im not sure how I got here. I just closed my eyes and wished I was at home again, where it's safe, where I can feel safe, where my mom is." I hadn't realized it but tears were rolling down my eyes again. My vision was gone, my breath shaky, my body was trembling, my mind was unclear.

My mom had her arms around me, the only thing keeping my body up.

I remember the last time I cried. It was high school, I was fifteen.

~~Flash Back~~

The lunch bell had rung and the stampede of people rushing the cafeteria was coming. I could never see over the dense crowds since I was smaller than everyone else. Im short and very petite for my age.
I was with my friend sukiyaki and her friends. I was new to the group and didn't know any of them well but Sukiyaki seemed to get along with everyone. I figured since she seemed nice her friends would be nice too.

As we stood in the lunch line together, I took note of the group. The obvious leader of the group was Akane. she was a pretty girl but nothing too outstanding about her. She loved gossiping and being on her phone.

When we sat down at the table Akane took that as her mark to start gossiping. She said, "I heard there's super smart kids who started going here today. I bet their all ugly nerds!"

Another girl's in the group joined in, "we should try to figure out who they are!"

Long story short, I'm one of them.

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