62 | Saying Goodbye?

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- Saf's POV -

Today was the day. We were saying goodbye to the trap house.

Colby and I were going to move into an apartment together. Our apartment was in the same building as Sam's and Jake's.

Colby and I had started to work on getting the apartment feeling like home but since he had went to playlist live I was all by myself.

I was unpacking all day and I was feeling tired so I had gone to bed.


I was woken up by the sound of my phone buzzing.

Katrina was calling me, so I answered it.

"Hey wassup?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout?" She asked.

"Yeah I'll be over in about 25 minutes?" I estimated the drive there since I was at a new location.

"Okay, the door'll be unlocked," she said and hung up.

I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my keys.

It wasn't that late at night, it was about 9:30 pm.

- 3rd person POV -

Safina was driving towards Katrina's house and got a call from Colby.

"Hey baby," she answered it.

"Hey, I just wanted to say goodnight," he said through the phone.

Safina had pulled up to a red light that just turned green.

She hadn't checked both ways before going.

"Okay. Goodnight baby I love y-," the phone got cut off and all Colby heard was her scream before it got cut off.

Safina was in a car accident.

She was hit by a drunk driver that had run a red light.

Sirens filled the air and lights flashed all around.

Safina's vision was very blurry.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" A paramedic asked frantically.

Safina groaned.

"I need some help over here!" The paramedic shouted.

They stabilized her spine and got her out of her severely damaged vehicle.

The ambulance rushed to the hospital.

The doctors fought to keep her alive. They were successful.

They called her family and Colby.

Colby had hopped on a flight back to L.A.

Elton rushed over and saw his sister in the worst shape ever.

"Elty," she reached her hand out to hold his.

"Its okay baby sis. I got you," he held her hand tight.

When Colby's flight landed he rushed over to the hospital to see her.

They had to rush her into emergency surgery before he could see her.

Colby was a mess. His heart was pounding. Tears streaming down his face like Niagara Falls.

In the O.R. the surgeons were fighting very hard to keep her alive. They didnt have to to give her a head CT.

She was becoming more brain dead by the minute.

Finally, the only thing in the operating room was Safina.

Lying there brain dead.

Her surgeons came out to inform Elton and Colby.

"No! It cant be true!" Colby yelled.

Elton was super calm, he normally didn't like to display his emotions.

"Where is she? Can we see her?" Elton asked.

"Of course," one of the surgeons said.

They lead them to a ICU room.

"So shes alive but not there?" Elton asked.

"Yes. The machine she is hooked up to is breathing for her, keeping her alive," the doctor said.

Colby sat next to her in her bed, holding her.

"It can't be. She can't be gone," he cried.

"We were just on the phone saying goodnight," he cried more.

Even Elton started to cry.

The doctor handed Elton the papers to let her go.

A few hours later they both agreed t ok call everyone in and say their goodbyes before taking her off life support.


At the funeral everyone was there.


She wouldn't have wanted that.

Everyone crying and saying how nice of a person she was.

By now, her fans had probably forgotten about her.

The funeral was beautiful. White roses surrounded her casket where she laid peacefully.

One by one everyone said there goodbyes.

Finally, they buried her in the ground.

It was over.

Or was it?


Hey! So I kinda gave up on this story and this was going to be the last chapter. But then I thought how bad of an ending it was so I will give it a happier one!

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