50 | You did what!?

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- Colby's Pov -

I woke up with a crazy prank idea in mind, but I knew the person would kill me if I did this. Oh well! It's all for the views.

I looked to my right and saw my girlfriend sleeping peacefully so I tried not to wake her while I went out of my room to take a shower. 

She was still sleeping when I got back so I had to get dressed quietly too. I heard her move around on the bed and I turned around. She smiled and had her eyes barely open.

She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she got in the shower her phone started to ring, so I answered it. 

"Hello? Is this Safina Castee?" The voice asked. "No this is her boyfriend, she stepped out of the room for a few minutes I can tell her you called-," I was cut off as they said, "No need, just tell her her first modeling meeting is at 11 am tomorrow."

"Ok, thanks," I said and hung up. 

When she got back I told her and she gave me a kiss. "Thank you for answering, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner," She said and smiled. 

I told her that I would be filming and I was going to ask Sam to help me. She just nodded and went to hang out with Devyn after she was dressed. 

I set up my camera onto my tripod and filmed the intro.

"Most of you guys know this already but there's a giant prankwar that's going around in our house right now," I said talking about the pranks. "So just a few days ago Elton thought it would be funny to take my car, put a bunch of packing peanuts in it, wrap it around in saran wrap and this other stuff and it was just awful," I told them what Elton did.

"I think that's hilarious too Elton very funny, but little does he know that was a big mistake. What I'm about to do right now to Elton and as you can see in the title isn't that smart, and I'm probably going to die but you know what we're team Colby and we have to make big moves," I finished up the intro and went to ask Sam to help me film it.

"I'm about to do a prank on Elton here in a second and I wanted to know if you would film it for me," I asked him. "Sure," Sam replied. "I have these scissors and I'm going to cut Elton's beard while he's sleeping," I filled him in. "His beard!?" Sam laughed.

We went downstairs and I set up a second camera. 

I snuck over to Elton and slowly took the blanket that covered his face off. He moved his head slightly and I froze. I grabbed a little bit of his beard and cut it.

"Good morning Elton," I laughed nervously. "Colby, Colby, Colby, Colby what's in your hand," Elton asked. "This is um, I think this is your beard, this is for filling up my car with packing peanuts and wrapping it 100 times. That's what you get Elton, don't mess with team Colby!" I said still nervous. 

Colby I'm going to give you five seconds and you're going to run as far as you can and get in your car and drive as far as you can and you are never going to come home. And you have five, you have four, you have three," He started counting down. 

"Colby, run for your life!" Sam laughed. "You have two," He said. "I have scissors," I said. "You have no way out!" Elton said closing the door. "How do you open the garage door?" I asked Sam. 

"It doesn't look that bad Elton!" I lied. It looked horrible. 

Elton the grabbed a tripod and I tried to run out of the garage. He tackled me and Sam helped me escape the garage. I ran out the door and across the street where Elton tackled me once again while a car drove by.

Sam then brings up that Elton has to shave his beard now. 

We went back inside and went into the 24 pp room. 

"Colby I'm going to close my eyes and when I open them this better be a full beard. What the fuck did you do!" Elton yelled. "It doesn't look that bad," I say. 

We all go upstairs into Elton's bathroom and he shaves his beard but he shaves it too short. 

He traps me in the bathroom with Sam and I have to facetime Aaron to come open the door so I can get out. 

Aaron laughs at Elton. "It's not even uncle Elton anymore, it's like cousin Elton," he says as we laugh.

We show Corey and Devyn, but Saf wasn't with her so I facetime her to ask where she is. "Hey baby, what's up," She asks when she answers. 

"Where are you going?" I ask as I see her driving. "I'm on my way home I went to pick up some food," She smiles. "Okay, well there is a surprise for you when you get home," I then hang up.

I laugh and see Elton laughing too. "She's going to die from laughing," Elton says.

We hear the gate opening and hear a car door close. I go downstairs with my vlog camera and she walks in with a bag of Carl's Jr. She realizes that I'm filming and puts a hand over her face.

"Ew I look gross stop," She walked upstairs and saw Elton. "Oh shit, what the fuck," She starts laughing and asks me, "Did you do this?" I just simply nod and she laughs even more. 

We go to our room and I film my outro.

Once it's over with I sit on my bed and grab my burger that she got me. We ate and watched youtube for mostly the rest of the day.


On chapter 23 I changed the kind of car she bought because I kind of hated it. But this chapter was recommended by @ella_hale thank you so much for suggesting this, it was so fun to make! If you have any videos or chapter ideas you want me to do let me know! If they are before July 2017 I probably will not be doing them. 

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