14 | a roped course

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- Saf's Pov - 

First, we went to Abel Tasman National Park. Drone boy wanted to fly his drone and get some cool shots, so the rest of us walked down the shoreline.

We then went to a roped course. "Alright, guys are you ready to do a roped course?" Elton asked us. I put my gloves on while the guys were talking, Sam thought we were ziplining even though there is ziplining involved.

"Colby, What did you think we were doing?" Elton asked. "Oh, I thought we were trying to be Micheal Jackson," He answered.

Elton then checked our harnesses by pulling on them and the guys made weird noises.

Elton then got stuck between the floorboard. 

"Celebrities," Someone said. "Don't we look like celebrities?" Sam said as we all posed. "Love the camera, man," the same guy said.

"This is already hurting my balls," Sam said. Colby then got stuck on the safety line and couldn't get off.

Corey was getting on the thing first. "I've never seen you pay so much attention in my life," Elton said to Colby. We all laughed.  

"I feel like I'm walking naked," Corey said. "Wishful thinking huh buddy," Elton said. "What?" Corey said. "That you wish it hung like that," Elton said. "I know Colby's does," I said winking at Colby.

"Saf!" Elton said. "Kidding!" I said winking at Colby. "Wish?" Corey said. "Brother," Sam said as he bro-hugged Corey. "How do you know Sam?" Elton asked.

We then go over to the highest and hardest roped course. I went behind Colby who was using the line. "Wait are we not supposed to use the line?" Colby said confused. "No! Cheater," Elton said.

We then move on to x's being held up by ropes. "Ow, I did not stretch for this," Sam says almost doing the splits. "Ah, this is hard. Why did we do this one first?" Colby says. I then started doing it and I slipped and did the splits.

"Oh my god I haven't done the splits since I was 13 I'm 19 now!" I said and Elton laughed at me. 

We then move on to the next one. It wasn't too difficult for me but it was for Sam and Colby.

Then we go to a wrecking ball thing and Sam did a great impression of Miley Cyrus. Colby went next and smacked up against the landing pad. I went then I too smacked against the padding but it hit my boobs instead of my back.

We then went onto another zip line one and we heard Sam yell something about his balls. Colby then went next and he didn't have any speed at all. I then went next, just like last time I slammed into the padding. Then Elton and Corey went.

"Alright guys I think it's time we try the hardest course," Corey said bringing us over to a tiny tree stump.

After more zip line we were now halfway. Elton and Corey got stuck together. While Sam, Colby and I were on a different platform. "I don't think there's any way to help you! You're a hundred and fifty feet in the air!" Sams yells at them. 

"They're taking a really long time," Sam says. "That's probably not a good thing," Colby says. "Wanna finish the course ourselves?" Sam asks. "Yeah," Colby and I say in unison.

We then went onto rings and Colby did the splits and so did I, again.

"I'm done! Saf and Elton finished too. How does it feel to be on the ground now?" Colby asks us. "Amazing," I said. "Here comes Sam, Sam's about to be done, Lift your legs!" Colby said facing the camera towards Sam.

Corey then came ziplining to the finish and Elton tried to push him back but Corey wouldn't let that happen.

"Alright, are you guys ready to eat?" Elton said. We all nodded, "Okay let's go eat and keep this journey going," Elton said. 

"Elton look how much bird crap is on my legs," Colby said. "Oh my god," We heard Corey said. "Oh that's not bird poop," Elton said. "That's from the thing," Corey said pointing at the big gash in his calf.


We were now back in the RV and Elton was driving like crazy. I was sitting in the booth against the wall. "I need to sit down," Colby said and then we went around a curb and Colby Slammed into me and squashed me.

"I need to move my laptop," Corey said and then the RV shook again and Corey slammed his ribs in the corner of the booth. Then he slammed against the counter and the bathroom door. "Elton! Chill the fuck out!" Corey yelled.

"I got the Nutella guys," Sam said placing it on the table. Sam then fell back. "He's gonna fly out the door!" Colby said. "Alright let's make sure this is locked so I don't fly out the door," Sam said making sure the door was locked.

We then all started to fall. "Elton you're gonna kill us all buddy," Colby said to Elton. "Ow, the camera just hit me in the face!" Colby said. "Elton, I'm going to need you to chill the fuck out," Corey said.

"I can't make you a sandwich if I'm upside down," Sam said. "My pants are in the sink!" Corey said. "Where's the peanut butter!?" Colby says. "Oh, there goes the Nutella!" Sam says as the Nutella slides off the table. 

Colby then grabs the peanut butter and Nutella and puts them back on the table. Sam then stood up but slammed his funny bone on something. "Oh shit," Colby says. "This is insane," I said.

"Elton this is not the time to fuck around I have a knife in my hand," Corey said. Colby then fell backwards and broke the bathroom door. "I broke the bathroom door!" Colby started screaming.

"Now how am I supposed to take a shower, without everyone seeing my ass crack?" I said. Corey then tried to pee but Elton made the RV shake again. "Elton! My weiners out!" Corey said. "Aw, thanks Elton you made me piss on myself,"  Corey added.

"It smells so bad," Colby said. Corey then puts the bathroom door in the front seat. "It smells like piss!" We heard Elton yell.

"We gotta make this sandwich," Corey said sitting down. We then proceeded to spit and put sand on Elton's sandwich. We then made Elton take a bite.

"Alright well, that was cooking with Corey, Saf, Sam and Colby!" Corey said.


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