♥️A Realization of the Queen♦️

Start from the beginning

"Are you a gambling man, Superman huh?" Scarecrow asked til he looked aside seeing a slim alabaster leg of what he thought was the Halloween Queen's own leg. "Well, well what have we here?~" Scarecrow walked over as Harry sent his hands down a glowing chain that held Superman and covered his mouth and the other hand pointed upward for the ruler of Christmas to see Harry. "I'll get you out of here, Superman." Harry whispered quietly as his hands got him free and dropped a rope ladder down below for him to climb up until the pair heard Scarecrow shout out. "No one makes a loser out of me!!" Superman and Harry were sucked back into Scarecrow's lair while in the human world the Halloween Queen was being held by a cemetery angel statue with her face missing from her body. Bud whimpered under his owner while Lou floated over to the fallen killer clown and placed her face onto her head as it clicked back into place the clown opened up her e/c eyes looking at the wrecked toys and oddities littered the snowy cemetery feeling guilty as she slowly sat up singing sadly.

"What have I done? What have I done?
How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I?
Spoiled all, spoiled all, Everything's gone all wrong..."

Jester looked throughout the cemetery watching flames lick against the burning toys, gifts and others before lying against the marble angel statue open arms.

"What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in, In a million years they'll find me, only dust and a plaque that reads, "Here Lies Poor Old Jester"

Jester sighed softly while she began to realize that truly was not her fault but the humans, all the killer toys and oddities were truly meant for Halloween as she quickly sat up smiling insanely with a determined tone building up in her voice.

"But I never intended all this madness, never.
And nobody really understood, how could they?
That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great, Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?!"

Jester jumped onto the statue as she smirked mischievously up at the full moon slightly covered with foggy clouds as Bud and Lou laughed near the ground as Jester jumped onto the ground and petted them happily as she imagined the horror stories that the children will be telling for years to come.

"Well, what the heck, I went and did my best!
And, by God, I really tasted something swell!
And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky!
And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did!"

Jester span around the cemetery then hugged herself feeling like how she did when she first became the ruler of Halloween and Gotham City, becoming a kind and loving Queen to her citizens and judge of the troublemakers.

"And for the first time since I don't remember when
I felt just like my old insane self again
And I, Jester, the Pumpkin and Halloween Queen!
That's right, I am the Pumpkin and Halloween Queen, ha, ha, ha!!"

Jester ripped off the Supermen outfit from her body to show her Halloween Queen outfit was under it as purple, green and red covered her body in her iconic Killer Clown look. An insane grin showed on her lips so much that the corners of her lips ripped apart showing her many dagger like fangs with new ideas for next Halloween in her deranged mind before realizing the mistakes she had created as Bud and Lou held the cape from her outfit.

"And I just can't wait until next Halloween
'Cause I've got some new ideas
That will really make them scream!
And, by God I'm really gonna give it all my might
Uh oh, I hope there's still time to set things right

Jester whistled sharply while opening up a old crypt that was a gateway back to her home, back to her family and friends as Bud and Lou followed her laughing as the Halloween Queen ran through the cobweb ridden burial site. Back in Gotham City's swamp Superman and Harry Diamonds were on a steel slab over a vat of bubbling fear toxin and lava. "You wait until Jester hears about this! By the time she's through with you, you'll be lucky if you...." Harry Diamonds growled at Scarecrow until Joker's voice rang out into the night sky. "Terrible news: The Queen of Halloween and Gotham City has been shot out of the sky! Killer Clown Jester has been turned to a bloody pulp!" Harry gasped not believing what he had heard. Jester climbed out of the crypt in Gotham's cemetery with a determined look on her face to right the wrongs she had done. "Come Bud, Lou! Christmas isn't over yet!" Jester shouted out as she ran through the cemetery til she began crossing the swamp's open chasm bridge when she heard a familiar trio of voices. "Help! Help! Please someone done something!!" Jester shushed her hyenas as she shifted her body down a pipe until she reached a barred window seeing that Scarecrow had not only Superman but Harry over a bubbling vat and fear toxin and lava growling quitely in anger before climbing into Scarecrow's lair unseen. "Eleven! Looks I won the Jackpot!! Bye bye Supe and Doctor! Hahaha!!" Scarecrow laughed lowering the lever completely yet he did not hear splashes of his victims falling into the vat. "What the?" Scarecrow pondered as he grabbed the slab and pulled it down only to see Jester in a seductive position glaring at him. "Hello, Johnny." Jester sneered as she got off of the slab and walked towards the deranged and dangerous scientist. "Jester they said you were dead....you must be double dead! Haha!" Scarecrow activated his defense system causing Jester to tumble backwards before shifting her arms and legs like a spiders glaring at Scarecrow. "Come on Clown Princess!" Scarecrow taunted the Halloween Queen as Bud and Lou laughed while Jester made her way towards Scarecrow having enough of his games as she snaked her body around the man tightly squeezing him. "How dare you treat my friends so shamefully!!!" Jester squeezed him tighter as she removed her face and looked at Scarecrow showing him his worse fear himself as her claw nails torn him apart. "You shall never torment anyone ever again as long as I am Queen!! Die Jonathan Crane!!" Jester jumped onto the ground as she shifted back to normal and walked towards Superman removing the glowing cuffs from his wrists. "I'm so sorry for the mess I caused of your holiday sir." Superman gave the young woman a fatherly glare and tone. "Jester the next time you get the urge to take over someone else's holiday, I'd listen to him." Superman said as he pointed at Harry whom rubbed his neck slightly embarrassed. "He's the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum!" Superman then flew away from the Halloween Queen and the Harlequin Mad Scientist. "Don't worry Jester, he's knows what to do." Harry said as Jester looked over at him. "How did you get down here, Harry?" Jester questioned the Harlequin Mad Scientist as he began playing with his fingers mumbling embarrassed. "To help me? Harry, I never realized that you..." Jester said as the pair looked deep into each other's eyes until a blinding light hit their eyes. "There she is alive just like we said!!" Creeper, Jinx and Gizmo said to Joker as they lowered a rope ladder. "Grab on my girl!" Jester looked over at Harry as they both grabbed onto the rope as the five headed back to Gotham City.

Jokes On You, Batsy! Joker's and Harley's Daughter: Jester, (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now