He could literly not keep himself from cooing over them whatever they'd do.
Obviously it amused chanyeol aswell.

Hyunsik had stayed with us the first year he had struggled with himself aswell considering how close he was with kyungsoo and also the other hunters who had died in the fight.

It's horrible to be saying it but on the positive side. All the people who have died wolves and hunters made everyone go together to honor the fallen once on that day.

Hyunsik became the new leader of the hunters or the person everyone respected and looked up to at least because there were still different groups and clans but as I've heard so far every leader of those respected hyunsik.
And he made sure to form a contract with the wolves nearby that there wouldn't be war anymore.

And hes currently making sure the word travels around to stop this nonsense everywhere

The story of how a human became the
conqueror of the goddess and the devil over the past 2 years it had become so famous. I feel proud to say he was mine that 'almighty human'

But I'd feel better if the stories werent real and instead I could have him besides me.

I've lost myself in recalling what happened as I looked into my little princess and my little troublemakers eyes. I smiled ,, it's his eyes "

Sehun laid his hand on mine squeezing it lightly at that and when I looked at him he different me a soft smile of sympathie. ,, you're taking good care of them .. he would be proud "

I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from bursting into tears again as I looked at my 2 little miracles.
,, dada "

I smiled nodding
,, yeah dada .. I wish he was here "

Even if people told me he was here, he'd always be with me and in my heart. It wouldn't help or make it easier.
I just miss him so damn much.

I miss his touch and his voice, I miss seeing him smile at me.
I just fucking miss him so so much.

I stood up not wanting them to see me break, even after 2 years It feels like the same pain. Just agony in my chest thinking of him not being here and thinking of the sad truth that I will never get to see everything I've loved about him. Him again was tearing me apart.

I wanted to hate the goddess for what she did more but in the end it wouldn't help me it would just make me feel more miserable all I could do was watch after our little ones in which he had left some of himself in.

Everytime they'd smile so widely how their huge eyes would get smaller by their full cheeks. It reminded me so much of him.

,, you ok ?" Sehun finally asked and I just nodded as always, brushing my hand over my face as I sniffed and turned back to my kids getting them out of their chairs and sit on the carpet where they would instandly get to their toys and start playing.

,, we all miss him " sehun mumbled laying his hand on my shoulder.

I looked over at the picture hanging besides the entrance door across from the room. Which showed kyungsoo sitting on my lap sideways, kissing my temple while I smiled and had my arms around him.

It made me regret not having taken more photos we had a lot of photos but they were lost when our old packhouse burned down. Only a few were saved in some phones that have survived after everything.

,, when's hyunsik coming back ?"
I asked to change the topic and sehun only shrugged pulling his phone out.

,, he said he'll be back for breakfast.. which btw you still didnt eat "
He pointed out before putting his phone back in his pocket and turning me to sit back down on the table.

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