Hiroshi Sato

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Who sucks at updating? This girl right here.🙌🏼😂

Why I always end up at grandpas Aangs statue when I'm upset, beats me. But here I am, sitting on his hand looking over republic city.

Mako's words play over and over in my head. I grit my teeth, I hate that he thinks he knows me so well. I hate that he's right...

Not once have I ever wanted to go to the northern air temple... I didn't want to be alone. But maybe being alone is what I need right now? But me leaving won't just punish myself... it's punishing everyone around me. Am I ready to take on that burden?

I close my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

Standing up and undoing my glider, with ease I kick off and take to the sky. I swiftly glide across the water, watching as it sprayed aside me from the force of my speed.

Approaching the temple, I landed softly, only to notice Lin leaving. My curiosity peaked. Lin was actually in our house and there wasn't a boulder smashed through the window?

I made my way inside to see my father and Korra sitting at the table, both of them raised their heads acknowledging my presence.

"Why was Lin here?" I asked cautiously.

My father and Korra shared a look before my father looked back at me, "Would you like some tea?"

I felt my stomach drop, this wasn't going to be good.

I nodded my head and took a seat next to him. Handing me a cup, Korra started to lean over the table.

"We believe Mister Sato is working with the equalist."

My eyebrows instantly scrunched together in confusion, "Mister Sato? But why? What brought you to this conclusion?"

"After you left we went back to Asamis place, I overheard him on the phone... he was talking about an upcoming strike." Korra replied.

I gripped my cup a little harder and looked down into the green tea.

"He would have a motive, Rin."

I glanced towards my father and sighed, "I know. When will we investigate?"

Mako is gonna hate us for this.

"Tomorrow. We'll be leaving at 11."

Nodding, I stood up, "I'll see you two in the morning than."

Walking out of the dinning room, I stopped halfway down the hall when I heard fast paced footsteps. I peaked over my shoulder to see Korra following after me.

I turned around and leaned against the wood railing.

"Yes, Korra?"

I glanced over Korra and she appeared fidgety. She wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Just spit it out already!" I snapped.

Korra jumped and stood straighter, "Um, yeah, uh, right. Sorry. I just wanted to ask if you're okay... you seem off."

My shoulders slumped and I let out a small sigh, "Thank you, Korra." I said softly, "But I'm alright. These past few days have just been stressful. I'll feel better once we put an end to these equalist." I lied straight through my teeth.

Korra smiled sadly, "Me too... I hope we're on the right lead. I feel like I'm letting the city down."

I stepped closer to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, "Korra, you're not letting anyone down. I believe in you and I know the city does too. We'll figure this out, we always do."

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