She won't wake up.

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There was a large metal wall blocking our way when we got down to the tunnel. So, Bolin earth bended below it. He created a small hole, and when we peeked above the hole, we saw the equalist boarding the metal benders into trucks.

"Rin was right...where is she? We gotta help them." I said to Bolin.

I glanced around until I spotted Korra, Tenzin, and Chief Beifong all knocked out in one corner, my eyes scanned over each face until I landed on the last one. I felt all the color drain from my face. I felt sick, like I was going to either pass out or scream bloody murder. At the very end laid Rin... blood was dripping off her face.

"Rin..." Bolin whispered out from besides me. We made our way slowly to them. I made my way towards Rin immediately, I felt like such an idiot for not believing her... I felt like an even bigger idiot for not being able to help her, I pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket and placed it over the gash on her head, it turned red almost immediately. I felt my stomach drop at the sight. Bolin grabbed Tenzin, we tried to drag Chief Beifong and Korra as well, who were a few meters away from Rin and Tenzin, until we were stopped.

"Not so fast, boys." Hiroshi said, as he was beside an equalist who held two electrical rods. Hiroshi walked towards Rin and knelt besides her. I tried to lung for him but I was ripped back by Bolin. I was practically growling as I watched Hiroshi pick up a strand of Rin's hair.

"Hello, Mr. Sato, what a, wonderful scary factory you have here under your mansion." Bolin said casually. I glared at him.

"Supporting our team, Supporting the avatar, it was just your cover." I sneered.

Hitoshi didn't look away from Rin, "Yes, you're right, and the most difficult part, was letting my daughter date a firebender." Hiroshi sneered back.

"Such a pity. She's quite beautiful Mako, and smart. You know she figured out half of my plan? Why a girl with a brain like that would care for a peasant like you, is beyond me. But I've seen the way you look at her. It wasn't very nice of you to play with two girls hearts." Hiroshi added.

I struggle against Bolin, "Get your damn hands off her!" I yelled.

"I would love to see one of the last air benders cry out in pain, how about we wake sleeping beauty?" Hiroshi asked as he took a fist full of Rin's hair and ripped her up. My handkerchief fell off her cut, revealing the nasty gash again.

He had an electrical glove emitting electricity right in front of her face.

"Let's hear her scream."

I lunged, no restrictions this time, my fist was already covered with a raging flame, but a familiar voice made me stop.

"Dad! Stop!" Asami shouted from behind Hiroshi.

"Why?" Asami said weakly.

Hiroshi dropped Rin's head, I winced when her head made contact with the floor.
"Sweetie, I wanted to keep you away from this as long as I could, please forgive me. These people, these benders, took away your mother, the love of my life. They ruined the world! But with Amon, we can fix it, and make a perfect world together. Join me, Asami." Hiroshi said, as he took of his glove telling her to take it.

I gritted my teeth, my fist clenched tightly, ready to light up any second.

She approached Hiroshi, as he held out the glove for her. She seemed to be thinking and hesitating. And, she took it.
I lunged forward.

"I love you, Dad," Asami said, before shocking her own father with the glove.

I stopped when Asamis father fell. I looked at him for a second before running towards Rin.

I pulled her into my lap, not caring about the blood. I softly pushed some hair out of her face, "Come on Rin..." I whispered softly, "You can wake up now... it's safe, I'm here."

"Mako!" Korra yelled out.

I looked up, I could feel the tears threatening to spill.

"Rin!" Tenzin cried out as he ran towards us.

"We need to get out of here!" Chief Beifong called out.

I felt a few tears slip as I looked up at Tenzin, "S-She... she won't wake up." My voice came out weak and shaky.

"We need to get her to a healer, Tenzin!" Beifong yelled.

Tenzin nodded, I could see the worry, written all over his face. He reached towards Rin and something in me snapped. I was scared... so scared. I didn't want someone to take her way from me.

"I got her!" I quickly said as I got up, carrying her bridal style.

We all took off running, I careful keep Rin's head from dangling, making sure not to cause anymore damage. I jumped through the hole and kept running, not bothering to check if everyone was behind me. All I knew was I had to get Rin somewhere safe.

"Mako! This way!" I heard a familiar voice call out, I spotted Tenzin, he had turned right, I ran after him. We ended up at a local water bender healer.

"Suelin!" Tenzin called out.

A woman with long blonde hair thrown back into a pony tail, emerged from the curtains with and annoyed look but it instantly changed to worried when she saw Rin.

"What are you standing there for!? Get here in here!"

I didn't waste time and quickly rushed Rin into the back room. I laid her gently on the table and stepped back. My shoulder was covered in blood. I watched as Suelin immediately went to work.

I felt a firm hand grasp my shoulder, I looked over to see Tenzin.

"You should go and clean up, Mako." He said softly.

I shook my head, "I don't want to leave until I know she'll be okay."

"At least take a shower, please... I don't think Rin will enjoy waking up to this sight."

I looked down at the blood and sighed, and nodded my head, heading for the door.

I pushed back the curtains and I saw everyone standing there. Korra's eyes wouldn't leave the blood on my shoulder, I could see the tears in Bolin's eyes and Asami looked like a wreak.

What would Rin do?

I took a deep breath and undid my jacket, leaving me in my clean white under shirt. I walked over to Bolin and Korra and pulled them into a hug.

"She'll be alright." I whispered to the both of them.

Once we let go I looked at Korra, "Dose the offer to stay at the temple still stand?"

Korra nodded her head, "Of course, Asami's welcomed too."

I smiled lightly, "Thank you."

I turned to Asami. She looked like she was about to break down, I opened my arms to her and she immediately ran into them, sobbing.

I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Why don't we all get some rest. We'll figure everything out in the morning." I announced to the group.

He protec
He attac
But most important he has hair for brains!

Oh Mako, I hope you realize what I'm doing.🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Any who, I got a little carried away with Sato... so yee sorry about that.😂

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