Stay calm

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To say Makos been uneasy around me is an understatement. I've been doing my best to not make things awkward... but damn it's getting difficult. He always looks at me with those sad puppy eyes. I know I probably hurt him but someone had to tell him to get his shit together! At the moment we were getting ready for another evening of patrol and it was already off to a rocky start...

Come on Rin! Just get in the car!" Korra said frustrated.

"I can glide just find!" I snapped back.

"Team avatar should ride together!" Bolin added.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not getting back into that death machine!"

"You're being overdramatic!" Korra threw her hands up in frustration.

"Look at it this way, one less person. Equals more room." I shrugged my shoulders.

Just as Korra went to argue the radio came on, "All available units - please respond to the 5600 block of Dragon Flats Burough. Equalists have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution."

"Oh well, looks like we'll have to save this discussion for another time." I said all to happily while opening my glider.

Asami shook her head, laughing lightly as she took the wheel as always with Bolin hopping into the passenger seat. "I call front!"

Make extended his arm out, "After you."

"What a gentlemen." Korra took his hand and jumped into the car.

I rolled my eyes and shot off with an extra force, I flew in front of the car, just to prove I didn't need to ride in it.

Once we went deeper into the city, it was all dark. There wasn't a light in sight.

Why is the power out?

Up ahead were hundreds of people being barricaded. There were police officers surrounding them.

I landed on the ground when a woman with children called out to me, "There's an air bender! She the Councilmens daughter, please do something!"

I looked at the woman with sad eye as the rest of the group approached.

"Wait a second, these people aren't armed or dangerous." Asami said.

"Sure doesn't look that way." Korra responded.

"This is wrong... so wrong." I mumbled out.

Police officers went on top of one of their cars with a microphone in his hand. "All nonbenders - return to your homes immediately!"

"What the hell is going on here!?" I hissed.

"There's no way this is legal."

We began to walk over to the scene and once people noticed us, they ran closer to the barrier. A mother holding a baby in her arms and a child by her side called to Korra with pleading eyes. "Please help us. You're our Avatar too." After a second or two, Korra shoved two officers out of the way before stepping in.

"Everyone please stay calm! I'm gonna put a stop to this!"

As they walked over to find who's in charge I went towards the crowed.

"Please you have to help us!" More people called out.

"Please stay calm everyone, we're going to figure this out and put an end to it-" before I could finish my sentence before barriers tightly wrapped around the citizens.

Moments later, they were being lifted in the air. The screams coming from the people and their children made my stomach drop.

"Stop it! STOP!" I screamed out.

I looked around trying to figure out a solution, until I heard a voice that made my blood boil. I turned around to see Tarrlok.

When the citizens were lowered, I watched Tarrlok look from Korra to Asami. He bent a water rope around Asami's wrist and ripped her toward him.

"Hey, let me go!"

"You're under arrest!"

"What!? You can't do that!" Mako said.

Two officers grabbed Asami and arrested her.

"Actually, I can. She's a nonbender out past curfew and her father is a known Equalist conspirator."

"Let her go!" Mako demanded.

"Arrest him and his brother."

My eyes went wide as I watched my friends struggle. My breathing became ragged. And before I knew it, the wind was whipping around me. I took steps towards Tarrlok.

"Arrest her!" Tarrlok yelled out.

Two police officers came at me, but an air tornado surrounded me, the officers shot grappling hooks at me, but they were ripped away by the wind. I jumped stepped forward and swung my leg, the tornado went fly towards the officers. It took them down along with multiple vehicles.

"Enough Tarrlok! You have no right to be doing this! These are the citizens of republic city and they don't deserve this!" I yelled.

Tarrlok snarled, "Spirit you're more annoying than your father!"

"Let everyone go before someone gets hurt!" I tried to plead with him.

"SILENCE!" He screamed at me.

Tarrlok sent ice daggers at me, I quickly blew them away. He sent two other sets, I deflected the set that was aimed at me, but when I looked at his smirking face I realized where the other set was heading.

I shot myself to the crowd as fast as I could, I swung my glider and deflected as many as I could. I felt one cut my thigh and another my shoulder. My leg gave out as I dropped, holding onto my shoulder.

Tarrlok smirked walking over to me, he brought his leg back to deliver the final blow, I could hear yelling, some from the crowd and other from my friends.

"Tarrlok!" Korra screamed out. Tarrlok turned around to face her.

Korra lifted two thick pieces of earth from the floor and aims them at him.

"Unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down and go back to the air temple." Tarrlok threatened.

"Korra, listen to him. It's not worth it." Mako tells her.

Once she puts them down, the officers begin to put us in the back of the police cars.

We'll be alright!" Bolin reassures her.

"Don't worry, I'll call Tenzin! He can get you out!"

I was picked up and thrown in. Mako instantly tried to help me but he was shoved back into his seat.

"Put that one somewhere separated. I have a few things to discuss with her." Tarrlok told the officers.

I swear if glares could kill, he'd be 6ft under.

Once the door closed Mako knelt down by me, "Rin are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" It seems like all the tension between us just disappeared. Maybe it due to the situation we're in.

"I could use a water bender." I chuckled. "But, no. It's okay Mako, there just flesh wounds."

Mako sighed, "You're crazy."

I chuckled from the floor, "No shit Sherlock."

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