The calm before the storm

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The night before the group headed out, Rin was restless.

She was ready to take down Amon, she was ready to take the city her grandfather worked so hard to build, back.

With a sigh, Rin got out of her sleeping bag and decided to take a walk.

As she walked by herself in the dimly lit tunnels, she began to think what her life will be like with out airbending. Everything she's taken for granted is gone... just like that.

She'll never be able to feel the wind blowing against her face as she glides over the ocean. She'll never fell the strength of the wind flow with her.

Rin came to a stopped and leaned on the edge of the tunnels entrance as she looked at the moon.

Would she ever be content with that life?

What would she even do?

She's never really had time to find hobby's that didn't involve bending...

A sigh escaped her lips as she heard the sound of footsteps.

"What are you doing, Rin?" Mako asked as he came up beside her.

Rin simply shrugged her shoulders, "Thinking."

Mako frowned, "Hey, you can always talk to me."

Rin glanced at him from the corner of her eye. The bags under his eyes were still permanent. Rin frowned slightly and sighed.

Not only was she worried about her future, but seeing her friends in this state was even more damaging. Seeing all the strain and stress Amon has put on everyone made her blood boil.

Rin looked down to Makos hand and decided to take it, she led him out of the tunnel and towards the docs, no one was out and it was relaxing to listen to the waves. Mako followed without hesitation.

Sitting down at the edge, Mako copied her.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Mako asked softly.

Rin smiled sheepishly at him, "No... but I could use a distraction."

Makos frowned lightly, he wanted to be there for her. Make her feel better, she's always told him what was bothering her. They've never been this distant before and he knew it was his fault. But he didn't want to risk pushing her away anymore.

"H-How did you meet Iroh and Shiro?" He tried to give her the distraction she wanted.

Rin smiled at the thought, "You really want to know?"

Mako nodded, while he didn't want to admit it... he was jealous. Of their friendship of course. There was no way Rin had feelings for him... right?

Rin laughed lightly, "I was eight. It was my first time visiting the fire nation with my grandfather. To say it was mesmerizing was an understatement. Of course only being eight, I wasn't allowed to listen to any important business between my grandfather and Lord Zuko. So I was told to watch after MoMo." Rin paused to laugh at the memory, "That ended terribly. I swear that lemur hated me!"

Both Mako and Rin laughed lightly, Mako slightly watched her. Finding himself smiling more than laughing.

"He wouldn't stay with me and practically dragged me down every hall. I ended up chasing after him, I followed after until he flew past an open door. Of course my curiosity got the better of me..."



Peeking in her cloudy eyes, Rin watched as a young boy was surrounded buy three men.

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