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Returning to the air temple, I was instantly engulfed in a hug by my father. It was only when we pulled apart did his eyes go wide.

Gently brushing back the baby hairs around my forehead, my fathers eyes turned glossy.

"Rin these are-"

I could tell my father had a million different questions, but for the time being I softly grabbed his hand and smiled, nodding my head as I still had trouble grasping the fact I was now a master.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't straining at my tattoos on the way back. I know, not the time or place but it was the only positive thing I could hang onto currently.

Turning my head to scan the room, I noticed two figures missing. Asami must've caught on as she spoke up, "Iroh and Shiro left to greet the rest of the United Forces."

My mouth made a small 'o' shape, quickly turning my attention to the new face entering the room.

Lin did well to put on a brave face as she approached Avatar Korra, gripping her shoulders in some sort of comfort.

"I can't believe he got you too." Lin said softly. 

"Hey, at least you unlocked your airbending." Bolin smiled. Everyone looked at him pointedly. 

"Bro, not the time." Mako sighed.

Bolin rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Taking a few steps back, Bolin replied, "Right, sorry, I'll just be over here."

As the United Forces battleships came into the ocean border, I nudge my father towards Korra.

He took the hint a walked over to her.

"So, should I start addressing you as master Rin now?" A voice called from behind me. You could practically hear the smirk.

Rolling my stormy eyes and spinning on my heel to face the fire bender. "Sifu Rin actually." Crossing my arms over my chest I gave Mako a sly smirk.

He bowed mockingly, "My apologies, Sifu Rin." His amber eyes peeking up, making my lips twitch.

Only seconds past before we both gave into the laughter.

I didn't have time to register the fact that Mako had suddenly pulled me into a hug. Burying his face into my hair.

I didn't realize how much I need that hug, this past month has been traumatic and it was far from over.

A deep frown pulled at my lips, what was to become of team avatar now?

A throat being cleared broke us apart, my eyes drifting to the sound to see a emotionless Asami. My heart felt as if it dropped into my stomach, adding guilt to the list of emotions I was currently feeling.

It wasn't long until I found myself on the back of a bison as we soared through the crisp air.
Korras last hope lied within the walls of the souther water tribe.

As we sat sat inside a small room, waiting patiently for Korra to return. I found myself staring at my finger tips. My memory still felt fuzzy from regaining my bending. But the one thing in my mind that's clear as day was the white glow of my finger tips.

What exactly was that?

I racked my brain, trying to recall anything that might be linked to the glow, but nothing came to mind. Blue energy would be understandable, as Uncle Iroh and Grandpa Aang talked about the energies from the spirit world. And experiencing it myself, I knew it wasn't connected. So where did this white energy come from?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when grandma Katara appeared in the open doorway. Instantly anyone who was previously seated, rose with anticipation.

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