Spirit world

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I blinked my eyes open, instantly regretting it when I got a headache from the bright light.

I sat up with a groan and rubbed my forehead with my hand. My free hand shifted on the ground, but the warm grassy feeling made me look down.

I was sitting in grass?

I looked up and gasped at the sight.

I was in the most breathtaking place I've ever see... it was covered in beautiful green grass and a few trees, with a pond in the middle and a small water falling into the pond.

I softly got up and walked over the bridge that led to pond, constantly looking around, making sure I don't miss a single thing.

When I reached the pond, I looked into it, a small gasp escaped my lips as I gawked at two Koi Fish.

I knew... something inside me knew these aren't just Koi Fish... there Yin and Yang... the moon and ocean spirits.

"Tui and La..." I muttered out.

I watched as the spirits reacted to their names. Both started to swim around each other faster, creating a yin, yang symbol.

Something was complying me to reach into the water. As my finger tips brushed the crystal clear water, my body went numb.

3rd person POV-

Rin's body stilled, one last shallow breath was heard before her eyes shot open a pure white.

A bright white light went off and Rin's body collapsed into a swamp. But now her body was a faint blue.

When Rin's body made contact with the ground a baboon jumped in surprise.

He raised his eyebrows at the mysterious girl.

Rin groaned as she sat up, she looked around the glanced at her arms and screamed, "AH I'M BLUE!" Then she glanced towards the Baboon spirit and screamed again, "AH A MONKEY!"

Enma furrowed his eyebrows at the child before him, "I'd beg your pardon. I'm a Baboon."

Rin's face paled, "A monkey just talked to me." She muttered to herself, feeling as if she's lost her mind.

"Baboon." Enma corrected.

"W-Who are you?" Rin asked, feeling even more crazy for talking back to the mon-Baboon.

"I am Enma. Now, go...away."

Rin's eyes grew wide as she quickly looked around her.

"I'm in the spirit world..." Rin muttered mostly to herself but Enma hummed in response.

Rin felt her hand on the ground and softly stood up, "Were near the Realm of Koh... aren't we?" Rin had no clue how she knew that... she just did.

On of the Baboons eyes opened, surprised the girl knew of Koh, the face stealer. But closed his eye to resume his meditation.

Rin took cautious steps towards the spirit, "Excuse me, but did you know my grandpa? Avatar Aang?"

The Baboons eyes shot open in annoyance, remembering the eleven year old brat that wouldn't leave him alone.

"No." Enma replied swiftly.

Rin's eyes narrowed at the spirit, "You're lying."

The spirit returned the jester but his eyes grew wide with worry when Hei Bai appeared behind the girl who now transformed into his monstrous form.

Rin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and turned around to see what the Baboon was looking at, Rin gasped when she came face to face with Hei Bai's sharp teeth. Rin jumped back with squawk.

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