"Yes, Mako, I can."

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AN- Sorry I've been gone for so long! I have a problem with jumping from fandom to fandom.😅 But @_i_n_s_o_m_n_i_a_c_ comments actually made me SO happy! I'm super self-conscious about my writing, especially since this was my first book and I've never been good at writing in general. I have so many ideas I just never know how to write them, and I know I make many grammar and spelling mistakes. I apologize for that, I hope to improve my writing, so THANK YOU to all who've stuck around this long!

Now onto the chapter!😉

The next morning I pulled a swimsuit on under my clothes, thanks to Bolin I know there's a pool.

I walked over to Korra's door and just let myself in, she was in the middle throwing punches? No bending... just punches.

I leaned against the doorway, "What the hell are you doing?"

Korrra freezes mid punch and looks at me, "Ever heard of knocking?" She snaps.

I raise both my eyebrows, with an unimpressed look, "Alright rocky. Chill. We need to leave."

"I don't want to." Korra mumbled to herself but she doesn't quite understand how to be quiet.

"I don't want to either. But we are. And make sure you have a damn swimsuit, now let's go." I reply, my voice laced with angry and authority.

I turn to leave and I saw Korras head drop and follow from the corner of my eye.


We walked up the large fancy steps, a permanent frown carved on my face.

I was about to knock before the door swung open and we were greeted by an old man in a suit. My frown deepened.

Even the air temple doesn't have butlers. We have no need for someone to do our chores for us.

We followed the butler inside down a long fancy hallway, every inch decorated with fancy details.

My face almost hurts from how hard I'm frowning.

Mako must hate it here... one of these fancy artifacts could feed him and Bolin for years. I hope he's not uncomfortable here... I hope he doesn't feel restricted... I hope...

OH SHUT UP RIN! Of course he likes it here, he's living with his girlfriend!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the butler opened the door, just in time to see Bolin do an 'earthbending bomb' into a large pool.

"Avatar Korra and Lady Rin have arrived." The butler formal announced.

"Hey Korra, hey Rin." Mako said, as he leaned against the edge of the pool, with his arms resting and half his body in the water.

Asami glanced at us but I felt as if her eyes zeroed in on me. She smiled, one that didn't meet her eyes, "Glad you could make it, guys." I watched her visibly move closer to Mako and wrap her arm around his neck, loosely playing with his hair.

My hand seemed to tingle, as if remembering what Makos soft hair felt like in them. I clenched my hand shut, trying to get the feeling to go away.

"Welcome to paradise." Bolin said as he emerged from the water.

"Looks like you guys settled right in." Korra said, I glanced at Korra, she had a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Pretty much, except for the fact that someone forgot to ask her father about it." Mako said as he looked at Asami.

I felt my whole body tense, as if I was just glued to the floor.

He does like it here...

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