It's not pity. It's kindness.

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I walked down the hallway of City Hall, carefully holding on to my fathers cloak to not lose track of him.
We made it to a set of large golden doors, my father stopped before it, turning around and kneeling to my height.

"Rin. I need you to wait here until I'm done. I'll only be a couple of minutes." Tenzin, my father said.

I nodded my head as he stood up and walked through the doors.

A couple of minutes turned into several minutes and several minutes turned into an hour. My 10 year old self grew tired of waiting, no matter how many air tricks I did that grandpa Aang taught me. I stood up from the comfy chair and looked around... still nothing to do.

I walked towards a window and slowly opened it. I looked back at the large oak door to only hear more yelling.

"I'll be quick." I mumble before jumping out the window.

Before I hit the ground I pushed both my hands together and created a gust of wind to ease my landing. I gracefully land on the ground and looked around. I was surrounded by street lights and honking automobiles. All I need to do is find my favorite candy store and I'd come right back, promise!

My father always took me to it after his Council meetings. I walk down the street sticking out like a sour thumb in my bright yellow and orange traditional air nomad outfit.

I took a left remembering the bench that we always passed, I walk farther down the street until I see the colorfully lit candy shop. A smile grew on my face as I picked up my pace.

I looked threw the window of the shop admiring the candy they had on display. I walked in and was instantly hit with the warmth and sweet smell of the store.

I continued to look around until I spotted my favorite candy and quickly picked it up. I made my way to the front of the store before I heard yelling.

"Listen kid if you ain't got enough money then you can't have it!" The cashier yelled angrily.

I looked at the two boys he was yelling at, one looked at least a year older than me and the other younger. The younger one was behind the oldest with tears in his eyes.

"Please sir... it's my brothers birthday it's all he wants! I swear to pay you back the rest!" The oldest pleaded.

"Get out of my shop before I call the cops!" The man yelled.

I boy clenched his fist and grabbed ahold of his brother who now had tears falling down his face and led him out of the store.

I watched them leave, before the oldest boy reached the door he made eye contact with me and quickly looked away with a huff.

I looked back down at my candy and back to the door. I set the candy I was holding down and went up to the cashier. He instantly recognized me. He put on a fake smile and asked me "What can I get you miss Rin?"

I frowned at this... why was I being treated so different, when he just threatened those two boys?

I pointed to the candy that was still on top of the check out stand. He understood and rang me up. I handed him the money, he put the candy in a blue and pink striped bag and handed it to me. I thanked him and quickly ran out the store.

I looked around and spotted the two boys on a bench. The older one seemed to be comforting the younger one. I made my way to them and heard a little bit of their conversation.

"It's okay Bolin. I promise I'll get you some another time." The oldest said.

"Mom and dad always got me it for my birthday!" The younger one or Bolin cried harder.

"I miss them Mako!"

"I...I miss them too." Mako said gripping his red scarf.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked quietly.

Both boys looked up to me. I was now standing in front of them with the small bag. I handed the bag to the youngest brother who's name was Bolin.

"Happy birthday." I said with a soft smiled.

Bolin with shaky hands took the bag from me and looked into, his eyes brightened when he saw his favorite candy inside, a big smiled grew on his face. He looked back up at me.

"Really? For me?" He asked with an excited tone.

I shook my head with a smile. But the moment was ruined when the oldest, Mako spoke up.

"We don't need your pity." He said harshly ready to take the bag from Bolin.

I stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"It's not pity. It's kindness." I said, looking into Makos eyes and giving him a warm smile. I felt him relax under my grip.

I released his hand and straightened back up.

"I hope you enjoy you birthday." I said before turning to leave but I was stopped when I was tackled into a hug, I stumbled a bit but regained my balance. It was Bolin who latched onto me.

He looked up to me with teary eyes and said "Thank you so much..."


"Thank you so much Rin!"

I smiled and hug Bolin back. He let go of me and asked "Do you want to sit with us? I'll share!" He said with hopefully eyes.

I really wanted to say yes but I had a feeling the meeting would be ending soon.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go home. Maybe we'll see each other again." I said with a smile.

"I hope so! Oh! By the way I'm Bolin and this is my brother Mako!" Bolin said while pointing to his brother. Although Mako still wore a hard expression, he locked eyes with me again and mouthed "Thank you."

I smiled at him, I bowed to them. "It was very nice meeting both of you." I stood back up and turned to walk away. I could see from the corner of my eye Bolin waving like a mad man before returning to his candy with a big smile.

Once I turned the corner, I took off running. I made it to the window I left open and shot myself up the window. I landed on the edge of the windowsill. Before I could jump down the large golden doors opened. I froze.

First out was Chief Beifong. I made eye contact with her, I must've had a pretty scared expression because the corners of her mouth turned up into a smirk.
She looked back into the Council room then back at me. She quickly nodded her head and shifted her foot, I'm guessing she tripped my father because I heard him let out a yelp. I let out a sigh of relief, jumping down and closing the window before my fathers voice rang through the air.

"Rin what are you doing over there?" Tenzin asked.

"Sorry father. I got a little bored and just wanted to look out the window." I said quickly while thanking the spirts for Chief Beifong.

My father walked over to me kneeling down and placing both hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry this took so long Rin. Thank you for waiting, how about we go to your favorite candy store to make up for it?" Tenzin asked.

"It okay, and we can just go home. That meeting was probably tiring." I say with a smile thinking back to the two boys I met.

My father seemed a bit taken back by my words, but a smile grew on his face as he stood up and took my hand.

We made our way outside and flew home to air temple island, as we flew over republic city, I looked back at the city lights. Hoping the boys I met are doing better now.

Mako and Bolin... I hope I meet you two again.

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