Republic City pt.2

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The lights of the arena shined brightly against the sky. The arena Rin once loved now only brings her feelings of hate and disgust.

Is this truly how the war will end? With everything we once loved destroyed?

Makos eyes watched Rin carefully as they made their way towards the arena, his gloved hand hesitated but still reached out and grabbed Rin's.

She turned to look at him, and while he couldn't see her face... Mako knew she was lost in thought.

"Rin. We'll be okay." Mako tried to reassure her. But Rin still seemed distant. So giving her hand one last squeeze, Mako let go as they moved into the building.

The disguises helped as they made their way to the referee balcony, overlooking the stadium.

It was terrifying how many people were there, how many of them were under this false idea for "equality."

Smoke suddenly filled the stage, while Amon and his equalists appeared in the middle.

"Thank you for joining me on such a historic moment." Amon said, and the crowd went wild. 

Rin frowned looked down at Amon. Her heart pounded against her ribcage.

"When I was a boy, a firebender struck down my entire family and that tragic event started my mission to equalize the world." Amon said. 

"That's a lie, Amon!" Korra started, as all of us ripped our masks off.  "Or should I call you Noatak?" Korra yelled. 

The crowed started to yell and some even start to panic.

"Everyone calm down, we have nothing to fear of the Avatar, let's hear what she has to say." Amon said. 

"Amon has lied to you! He wasn't given power by the spirits to take bending away, he uses bloodbending to do it. Amon is a waterbender!" Korra accused, and the crowd gasped. 

"You're desperate, Avatar, making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort." Amon mocked. 

"His family wasn't attacked by a firebender, his father is Yakone. And his brother is councilman Tarlock." Korra stated, and the crowd exchanged whispers and even more gasps. 

"An amusing story, but I will show you the truth." Amon said, as he took of his hood.  He untied his mask, and revealed his face that had a horrifying burn scar that covered half of his face. The scar Rin had already seen. Her cloudy eyes darkened as she focused on it.

"This is what a firebender did to me." Amon yelled out, as he pointed at his own face. 

"What?" Korra said confused, as she looked back at us. 

The crowd started to retaliate towards Korra. Hearing footsteps both Rin and Mako looked towards the equalists approaching them.

"I can't believe it! It didn't work!" Korra panicked. 

In a defensive stance, Rin glanced at Korra, "This isn't time to panic! We have to get out of here and regroup."

"I wouldn't leave yet, little airbender, you'll miss the main event." Amon called out. 

Rin's eyes widened as she turned to face Amon. His eyes already on her with a sinister smile. Her blood ran cold at the sight.

Rin watched as her father and siblings were chained up against the pole. Mako looked at Korra who had a horrific expression on her face.  His eyes then drifted to Rin, who was visibly shaking. Her eyes wide with fear.

"Tonight, I rid the world of airbending, forever!" Amon cheered.

"Let them go." Korra shouted.

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