You'll love her.

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"Hey Bolin." I said softly walking into the gym.

Bolin grew a big smile, "Rin you came!"

I giggle softly, "I promised you."

Bolin started turning pink and started scratching the back of his head, "Is Korra coming?"

I sigh quietly, "Sorry she couldn't make it, my father has her on lock down."

Bolin's face instantly drops, "oh okay." He turns back around and starts practicing.

The gym doors open again and Mako walked in with a goofy smile which fell when he spotted me. He dropped his gym bag and ran over to me hugging me tightly.

"I'm so happy you're okay." Mako said quietly.

I chuckle dryly, "Thanks to you and Korra. Thank you by the way."

"You don't have to thank me Rin. I'd never let anything happen to you."

I tightened my grip around Mako.

I wish I could do the same for you.

After a few more seconds we both pull away from the hug.

"Walk with me?" Mako asked holding out his hand.

I place my smaller hand in his waiting bigger one, "Of course."

(AN- Poor Bolin always gets left😢)

We walk down the hallways holding hands in comfortable silence until Mako speaks up, "Is your bending still that same?"

With my free hand I create a small tornado with my finger, "I believe so."

Mako smiles warmly, "That's good, you had me worried."

I looked down at the ground until I felt mako squeeze my hand causing me to look up at him, "Are you okay Rin?"

His golden eyes were piercing into my cloudy grey ones, his eyes held concern and something else I couldn't place.

"It was just a lot, that's all. In that moment I actually thought I lost my bending." I said grimly.

Mako starts rubbing his thumb soothingly back and forth on the back of my hand, "But you didn't. If anything Rin, this will only make you stronger."

I don't feel stronger.

Mako must've noticed the mood damping so he tried to change the subject, "I'm meeting with Hiroshi Sato tomorrow."

My widened, "Are you seriously!?"

Mako smiles and nodded.

I start swinging our hands back and forth with a big smile which he copies, "That's amazing Mako! How'd you get one? I heard he has a waiting line of people wanting to meet with him!"

"I met this amazing girl, and just when I thought she couldn't be anymore amazing she turned out to be Hiroshi Sato's daughter!"

I stopped swinging our hands and my smile struggled to stay. My heart felt like someone was slowly squeezing it.

"She sounds lovely."

Mako smiles, "She is! She's so beautiful and funny, I think you two will really get along!"

I force a smile, "I'd love to meet her."

Every word I said seemed to only hurt more. I shouldn't be feeling like this... Mako seems so happy. I should be happy for him!

"You can come get lunch with us! Then you can meet her!"

I stopped walking and pulled my hand away from Makos, he turned to me with a confused look.

"Sorry Mako but I don't think I can. I have to head home soon."

"Come on Rin! Just for a few minutes! You'll love her!"

I bite the inside of my lip.

"I really can't Mako."

Mako slightly frowned, "Are you sure-"


Mako jumped at my sudden outburst. I hung my head and looked at the ground.

"Sorry, I have to go." I mutter.

I spun on my heel and quickly walked away. I felt so embarrassed... I mean it's not like me and Mako were ever a thing so I shouldn't be feeling this way... I shouldn't be feeling this jealousy.
But my heart felt as if it was being squeezed death.

I don't understand. Me and Mako have been friends for years! This has never happened before so why... why does this hurt so much!? I should be happy for him! Right...?

•Makos POV•

I walk down the street, replying mine and Rin's conversation over and over. She's never raised her voice like that at me before.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Asami called out my name. I look to her and smiled.

She grabbed my hand and lead me into the restaurant. I couldn't help but look down at our linked hands... and for some reason a memory of me and Rin holding hands popped up in my head. I couldn't help but notice how differently Asami's hand fit in mine. Shaking my head at the thought and sat down at the booth with her.

"How was training today?"

"I didn't get much done."

Asami picked up the menu and started scanning it, "Why's that?"

I pick up a menu as well but before I opened it I notice the restaurants name, I must've been so lost in though I didn't even notice we came here! This is mine and Rin's favorite place. A small smile appears on my face as I set the menu down already knowing what to get.

"Rin dropped by."

Asami glances up from her menu at me, "The air bender right?"


She nods her head and goes back to looking at her menu, "There's so many options, I don't know what to pick."

I lean over the table with a smile, I point to one of Rin's favorite dishes, "This one is really good. Oh and this one!"

Asami raises an eyebrow at me, "You've eaten here before?"

I chuckle a little, "Yeah me and Rin use to eat her almost every Sunday when they had free dessert. We'd bring always bring Bolin here for his birthday." A warm smile appears on my face from the memory.

"Sounds like you guys are really close."

I nod my head, "We've been friends for years. Me and Bolin wouldn't have made it so far in pro bending if it wasn't for her."

"She sound great."

"She is! I invited her to come but she was busy." I said frowning at the memory of our conversation.

Asami's eyebrows scrunch together, "You invited her on our date?"

"Yeah? Would that have been a problem?"

Asami sighs, "No."

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